Reviews for A Broken Promise
That Fantasy Junkie 96 chapter 2 . 5/25/2014
Oh dear! I will continue to read!
That Fantasy Junkie 96 chapter 1 . 5/25/2014
Wow! Quite good! I love the Cal and Promise moments. Can't wait to see some Niko.
Skatjas chapter 3 . 1/12/2013
great, that was really great :)
a really awesome story
I loved reading this, especially the end
Nik is just too overprotective for his own good ;)
Thanks for this nice story
zookitty chapter 3 . 1/12/2011
As always that was brilliant. Bravo! Honestly, I don't often read fanfics that are good enough to be a novel in their own right but if I didn't know better I would have said this was part of the series itself. Excellent job

OminousKitten chapter 3 . 5/30/2010
Awesome. Definitely the best Cal fanfic I've ever read. It's rare to find an author that catches the characters so well. Very intriguing plot, so original and wonderfully coherent! I would've liked a little more detail about the cave (was wondering how they'd gotten in), but overall I appreciated the thought you put into the plot. I loved the Cal/Promise bonding and how you delved into the darker emotions for Promise - I always feel like I missed that in the books. Cal's selflessness in regards to Niko's emotions and Promise's well-being was portrayed and explained excellently. This is definitely going on my favorite story list, and I'll be checking out your other fics momentarily. :) Great job!
Re-Used chapter 3 . 6/27/2009
Duchess of Bones chapter 3 . 3/14/2009
I loved this story! You managed to recreate the feel of the characters and their personalities, as well as the many-layered relationships and interactions they usually have in the oh-so-wonderful Rob Thurman books. You also created an interesting situation and plot line which made excellent sense, especially for the characters involved-a very difficult thing to do when working with such complex and unusual characters. I'd have loved to see a little more description of places, of people, etc, but admittedly, that is something that I'm just hooked on-sets the scene, to be exact, to make a mental picture much easier to develop, though with rich characters like these, that's fairly easy to do anyway, if the reader's familiar with them. I look forward to reading more of your work. (And darn it, you made me want to read the whole series AGAIN... as if I haven't read the books over 20 times already...sheesh. Need my Cal and Niko fix now. Write more? Please? *laugh*)
ArokenHalo chapter 3 . 3/5/2009
This was amazing. You wrote the terror and desperation so well, putting me right there in that hole with Cal and Promise, only to trump it with the absolute wealth of relief and grief and comfort and healing that followed afterward. It was realistic and so awesomely in character. (Also, a very nice look at the Niko-Promise relationship.)

Great story.
It'sTimeToDance chapter 3 . 2/27/2009
wow. Really good.
Soaha chapter 3 . 2/9/2009
Aww! I knew Niko couldn't stay angry for long~! Awesome story and I bow to your prowess as a writer! This was a wonderful story and you tied everything up at the end very nicely. I wish you the same luck with all future endeavors. :D
Von chapter 3 . 9/28/2008
Whoo-hoo! Spectacular fic!

This fandom being so new and cautious, it's wonderful to see something blatantly 'out there'. An entirely new scenario and - MUCH more to the point - increasing the emotional and personal development between characters.

The books are very much like Niko & Robin & Promise make a connection.. and Cal is just included as part of the Niko-bundle. An accessory, not truly needed by anyone but Niko.

Having Promise gain a new insight to and understanding of Cal was wonderful. Having her identify with him and recognised their shared qualities was even more so.

I always get the impression that Cal is - first and foremost - a halfbreed Auphe. A 'stench' hardwired into anything Supernatural as a cause for terror and hate. He looks human, but to both of them they just cant be as blind as Niko, simply because they have senses he doesn't. They like Cal, sure, but always as 'that irritating, lazy half-breed brother of Niko'.

As you showed in this fic, Cal has a pretty good heart, hidden beneath years of corrosive, protectivly abrasive personality.

I hope that Robin will one day have his own little moment with Cal.. his complete and utter lack of sexual innuendos to Cal is - by its very silence - a rejection. Cal might tease Nik about the puck's blatant attraction.. but when the self-advertised 'ill do anything' manho steadfastly refuses to even joke around with Cal..

Okay I think Im rambling now.

Your fic was just so good it's made me think about all this stuff. :D !
Thorny Hedge chapter 3 . 8/6/2008
This was absolutely wonderful, especially the insight into Promise's character. I must purchase "Madhouse" as soon as possible! :)
xXThedoctorxX chapter 3 . 8/6/2008
This was the best, you write the best niko/cal/promoise angst ever, u have to do another story
walkingdisater6 chapter 3 . 5/21/2008
you didn't get half as much publicity as you should have for this piece. it was great, well written and tided me over for the next book for at least a half an hour. good job!
sasiice chapter 1 . 2/23/2008
Thank you! Another talented writer has taken up my two favorite brothers. I've been a fan of R.T. since Nightlife first hit the shelf, and its great to see more fanfic showing up. You did a great job with this story. Hm...reading the reminder here that I should be offering a 'well rounded critique'. Drat. Ok, maybe a bit more snark from Cal? I know, hard to produce when the guy has a concussion and is stuck in a small space with no enemies to pound on. Back to praise! Loved it, hope you will write more Cal & Niko very very SOON!
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