Reviews for Jokulhaups
CAPTAINPRICE79 chapter 1 . 7/28/2016
What does a glacial flood have to do with Pokemon?
CAPTAINPRICE79 chapter 5 . 7/28/2016
Oh Brenda, only you could get away with assaulting a minor
Ciekawa Osoba chapter 9 . 4/26/2016
Really damn well done! Every few months/year and a half, tops, I come back to reread these. Sad there's not more, glad for what there is!
Off to read more character-building cop-psychic goodness~
MaiWishes chapter 4 . 12/5/2013
Brendas cool n all, but she's cool at Mewtwos expense, which shouldn't be. She is getting annoying. Has been since the start actually. The only reason im going to continue is to see if Mewtwo changes. He's getting annoying too...
darrelodin chapter 9 . 9/27/2013
Another great read! Sheryl was a great character, and came off just how I thought the (adoptive) mother of two crazy girls would. Brenda and Mewtwo's relationship grew interesting as well.

Off to the next story!
Dragxon chapter 5 . 6/11/2013
i love it when you throw in those little gags at the end of a chapter. especially when they involve mewtwo's cover being blown
Aronim chapter 9 . 6/30/2012
Another great read and it's funny how I can see improvement just between the first fic and this one. Other than that, all my previous points stand.

And Sheryl is awesome!
themagebear chapter 4 . 2/14/2012
typo- medusa instead of medea.
Shinymonkey8 chapter 9 . 4/7/2011
Good story.

Make them longer! It always feels too short!

I think you're a pro at character development and dialogue, it makes me want to go and read all of your other stories. You seriously make writing dialogue easy.

Good sequel, can't wait to read more!
Shadic999 chapter 4 . 9/25/2010
Haha robin Williams 3
wyrd chapter 9 . 9/17/2008
Everyone is afraid of Brenda, it seems. I admit I like it when she threatens people who deserve it.

Speaking of which, at one point, a jerk calls Mewtwo a "cop's bitch", and 'Two kept it to himself because he was afraid of what Brenda would think of him for not standing up for himself. I found that very sad. Good job.

The concept of Brenda's shield being broken is an interesting one. Will 'Two be the new shield, his nickname being Vahan and all?

I like your take on Pokemon battles being a cruel form of slavery.

Good job setting up Samuel to be a creepy little snot-bag. It was enjoyable seeing him in jail with psychic clamps (good idea!). I also like how Demonte's neurosis comes out of left field. No way I could have predicted he was the killer. I... I wanted some good ol' psychic head-to-head, but the Brenda-Mewtwo-Demonte smackdown was excellent.

You've pulled out the threat of a Master Ball twice now. I am itching for it to come into play with a total cliche: Brenda dramatically bats it away from Mewtwo before a nasty Rocket Lackey can catch him. If you wrote it, it would be 90 times more hilarious, and if was from Brenda's POV, it would be 100 times more profane.

How much research do you have to do for these stories? Are you hoping to be a homicide cop? I really like learning about everything you throw in about the job.

I liked "Jokulhaups" a lot.

Off to review "Drifting". Hope you don't mind getting a ton of stuff from me. I have something to say about each of your stories.
Lixie Lorn chapter 9 . 7/9/2008
God, that Samuel was a *. Glad he got his.

Hmm. You really can pull training one way or the other, can't you?

~General Everin Stormclaw of the Emerald Stars, Dragon prince and the Fifth Sutakage, out.
CalliopeMused chapter 7 . 5/20/2008
wouldn't let me review yesterday. Re-reading this... you've left yourself quite a few very nice things. Samuel is set up very nicely to be a villain. He showed an interest in Mewtwo before he hated Brenda. She gave him several good reasons for the twisted little boy to develop an obsession-the arrest was expected, but he didn't seem to anticipate the dampeners/threats about cellmates. ("And if he ever came near Mewtwo ever again… justifiable homicide.") Brenda doesn't like him, he hates her, master balls have already been mentioned, Sheryl said she would look into them.

So... all the plots you've mentioned have a very nice base in what you've done before. That way, when the readers go back through here, they'll see it. (Including the inevitable people who have this story on alert, but never bother to review. I'm just not so good at remembering to review.) I think you have everyone where you want them.

Very fun story, again. It's nice to have a solid base before you blow everything to pieces.
dr.evil99 chapter 9 . 4/13/2008
When you first started this story, you told me that we'd met the killer early on, and that I'd probably never guess who it was. Well, you were absolutely right, I had no idea. But bringing a killer out of left field, in and of itself, isn't hard; what you do here that's great is you give the man realistic, concrete motives (well, as concrete as the motives of an obsessed fan would be.) Things like this have happened in real life, and that lends an air of authenticity to even a tale as fantastic as this.

Also, kudos for your brief, but well-done bit of action here. Even in the short bit we get, we can tell how easily Mewtwo and Brenda are working as a team these days. No matter how much they might bicker, these two have chemistry, both professional and personal. In fact, if I had one criticism of this chapter, it was the relative lack of character stuff between those two, but that small complaint is rendered quite moot by the sequel that you've recently started.

So really, this chapter, and the fic as a whole, is rock solid from start to finish. Great pacing, a thoughtful plot, and two totally engaging leads... you've really struck gold with this story, and I've no doubt whatever you have planned for the further installments will continue this winning streak. Stories like this prove why you are one of the finest authors on this site. Many authors can do one or two things well (action, humor, drama,etc) but not many can hit all those bases in one fic so successfully, and make them all totally work with one another. Excellent work!
Azure Neko chapter 9 . 1/27/2008
I think I love this charecter you've created. She's prickly, infuriating, and quietly loving. She's odviously got some serious shit in her past, and I really like how you're revealing it slowly. I'll be looking forward to reading the sequel.
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