Reviews for Kisses
You'reTheMoon chapter 6 . 4/25/2012
this chapter was so adorable :D
Enleft chapter 8 . 8/7/2008
That was so cute~! :3 You're right, I think the last chapter was pretty AU but it was still good. :]
ProtegoNox chapter 8 . 7/20/2008
Really, really cute! I love your Sirius, he was just so adorable. I want to cry every time I see a post-Azkaban fic. :'(
lovefan81 chapter 8 . 7/20/2008
So that's my last review, promised! ;-)

Loved all the chapters! Great story, so sweet and "quiet". I like your version of PoA!
lovefan81 chapter 6 . 7/20/2008
Stupd me didn't realize there are more chapters!

Well anyway, wow that chapter is so good, I had to tell you before I read on! WOW, so sweet!
lovefan81 chapter 1 . 7/20/2008
Since it's almost a year old, I don't think I should get my hopes up that you'll update your story? Nevertheless I like it, a good beginning!
remuslives23 chapter 8 . 7/20/2008
Very sweet story. I loved all the innocent kisses then the Mistletoe kiss and the prank and the line 'From the moment I met you, I never stopped.' Gorgeous! Well done.
MinervaEvenstar chapter 8 . 7/19/2008
Very sweet fic. Kisses one and three were my favourites because they were the most original.
piratelore chapter 8 . 1/18/2008
The ending may not be true to the story, but I loved it nonetheless
mokubahv chapter 8 . 10/6/2007
Mm. I didn't get along very well with the ending. While it was good, it bothered me as it's not true to the story. "
mokubahv chapter 6 . 10/6/2007
Long is never a bad thing! *wink*
mokubahv chapter 1 . 10/6/2007
Potter. James Potter.

rekahneko chapter 8 . 9/29/2007
Yup, wonderful ending to a great set of stories.

loved it!

rekahneko chapter 6 . 9/29/2007
Aww, shy and awkward...

You are good at writing SBRL, you know that?

rekahneko chapter 4 . 9/29/2007
"his invisible bag of dramatics"

You have a way with words!

This one is so terribly adorable...
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