Reviews for Game Without Tears
Lola Krantz chapter 35 . 10/10/2015
This story is excellent! Loved the portrayal of Draco. The only problem I have is you broke a cardinal rule of fiction writing. Never pull your reader out of the fictional world you create. You did this many times by editing out the sex scenes so viciously. If you didn't want sex in your writing I should never notice that it's missing. Otherwise great fiction ! Lola
XscarlettXayrinX chapter 35 . 7/21/2012
This was a wonderful story! But now I'm curious what Draco found in those books and wondering if he and Harry ever bond. And if they do I'm curious whether they would go beyond the veil or become spirits. Probably not spirits cuz Harry would want to be with his family. Anyways this was a great story. Thanks so much for writing this!
DELETEDFORGOODDDDDD chapter 23 . 6/20/2012
I really wish people weren't so paranoid about putting in sex scenes in their stories. We can't let the haters win.
Akira.Xian sheng K chapter 31 . 10/31/2011
Nice fic, dude!
MissNikita chapter 35 . 7/7/2011
I really liked how you focussed more on the Slytherins and less on the battle.

The initiation of the girls enraged me, it truly is something I would feel Voldermort would do.

They should be honorary Gryffindors with the courage they showed.

Hope there is a sequal since you left the end there so mysteriously.
MissNikita chapter 24 . 7/7/2011
I wish the rest of the people had more faith in the Slytherins, especially Snape, he was a spy, he should understand them best of all and believe them.

Can I get a copy of the graphic scene you edited out?
MissNikita chapter 23 . 7/7/2011
This is a wonderful story, truly loving it.

Any chance you can pm me the scene between Draco and Harry?
Lilgreyblob chapter 35 . 6/27/2011
More than four founders? Whaa? LOL. Great story! I love every bit of it. The last few chapters were so touching. . Thank you for all the hard work!~ :}.
Lilgreyblob chapter 16 . 6/26/2011
I love your Draco so much! He's so awesome! Godly but not impossible! ! Great job!~
WeisseHex chapter 35 . 1/11/2011
OK. So, does that last sentence indicate a sequel? If not, you're in trouble! Great story, glad everyone is happy now, even Ron!
WeisseHex chapter 34 . 1/11/2011
That was amazing! Loved it! I'm soo glad they are OK! Thanks.
WeisseHex chapter 33 . 1/11/2011
Well! So you DID let those guys get hurt, especially Draco and Harry. Now I have to wait with bated breath for Harry! Arghhhh!

And so many dead! I know some have to die in every battle, but couldn't have the dead ones just been Death Eaters and that scumbag Voldemort? Huh? Huh?
WeisseHex chapter 32 . 1/11/2011
I've been remiss! Should be reviewing this great story! Yes, you need more reviews; I really have been trying to do it often, but I get caught up in reading.

I really loved the way that the 'five' showed off their fighting ability, very impressive and somewhat of a turn-on. Very nicely done. Now I am hoping you won't kill off my favorites! (In the next chapter)
WeisseHex chapter 27 . 1/8/2011
Everyone! Just picture Draco in 'nappies'! Ewwww!

And I kind of like August, what a name!

And I still wish you'd include the 'sex' scenes. I know, you can't always get what you want!
WeisseHex chapter 24 . 1/8/2011
that's hot, no matter omitting details or not!
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