Reviews for The Truth isn't What You Think
Markiplierisawesome1225 chapter 5 . 8/3
Who do you think harry should of been with then if you have revenge because he ended up with Ginny.
Jessicaanderic12 chapter 27 . 7/26
Thank you I like hermione
4michelle3 chapter 35 . 7/7
I don't write just read the stories but if you could add my name if the petition is still valid
asiya halima kone chapter 41 . 5/24
this was a great story and I truly loved reading it thank you :)
asiya halima kone chapter 10 . 5/23
just a note that the spelling is APPERATE not apperanate :) but I am enjoying the story regardless just thought I would point it out
Lorde Shadowz chapter 9 . 4/26
*Slim* waste, I assume? I'm sorry, but I just had the most amusing mental image of Harry covered in green slime. Don't worry, you're doing great.., it's just my inner grammar Nazi acting up. I so love your depiction of evil!Dumbledore... :)
Lorde Shadowz chapter 8 . 4/26
I think you meant *impudent* brat; to impute means to ascribe an attribute to someone.
MollyMuffinHead chapter 41 . 3/10
Thanks for the story. I enjoyed it.
Millie072 chapter 27 . 12/23/2019
No matter how bossy & self righteous Hermione is, she stuck by Harry when it would have been better for her to step away. She was there when no one else was. It's good to see her realize authority can lie too.
Millie072 chapter 5 . 12/23/2019
Pleased to see Dumbles is portrayed as evil. Few people picked up on that line of his "I knew I was sentencing you to 10 long dark years-" that showed exactly what kind of person he was. First class bastard! As for Ginny being a bitch, with a mother like that how can she be anything else? The only girl & baby of the family? A classic recipe for spoiled selfish brat.
cptbludz13 chapter 41 . 11/11/2019
I know that Sirius is dead... but what happened to Remus? He isn't mentioned at all. Not even in a letter or memory. Its like he doealsnt exist. I also wish you would have included more of the Twins.
HoneyBear84 chapter 41 . 10/19/2019
Loved it
Eamon DeValera chapter 5 . 9/2/2019
Capital letters, commas, then vs than, there their and they're, semi-colons... all of these are concepts you CLEARLY lack knowledge of. I strongly suggest finding an appropriately qualified beta-reader, and/or teacher to help you figure out the appropriate use of these (evidently) alien concepts, because right now, your grammar is thoroughly deplorable. Your story has potential but you OBVIOUSLY need help with your grammar. I suggest going back to the very start, replanning the entire thing from scratch, drafting it longhand and then asking someone you trust to correct it for you, apply said corrections, have it checked over again and then... type it up. Before you post it, have someone check it over once again for errors. it can be the same person or it doesn't have to be...
YeCatsJ chapter 41 . 8/31/2019
Loved it
kv74 chapter 41 . 8/10/2019
This was great!
Thank you!
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