Reviews for A Whisper to the Living
justoneinmany chapter 7 . 5/10
This is one of my favorite Psych stories. Just spot on. Not melodramatic, because it's been 10 years, but bitter and soft somehow. The ending is great too. Shawn's memory has a lot interesting side-effects, and it was explored wonderfully. I just feel so bad for all of them.
RANDus9 chapter 7 . 11/12/2019
my most favourite story in psych
BothWays chapter 7 . 9/27/2014
*sob* Oh, my goodness! That story was absolutely heartbreaking! What did you have to write that for?! No, this story was amazing, and I love it :') Tears are meant to be shed, right? And shed they were. Poor Shawn, poor, poor, Shawn :( When he said 'I don't care' at the end. . .that was the saddest thing. My goodness. Thank you.
DaggerStar chapter 7 . 6/30/2014
I know you probably won't read this but that story was really good. It made me cry. So, thank you, for writing it.
PsychO99 chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
Wow. This story was amazing. Great story, very well written. My heart was breaking for Shawn the whole time i was reading it, especially at the end when he said that when he's in Santa Barbara he can never forget...Very well done. :) Inspiring to me, (story-wise) a fellow writer. (: Keep up the amazing writing.
Casey Winters chapter 7 . 4/20/2013
I almost cried. Almost. The years were definitely building up inside me. XD
Wow. Just wow. I never would have pinned Shawn into that type of situation. You did a great job writing this! Shawn's personality was spot on.
Poor Juliet. Poor Lassie.
Global Conquest-er chapter 7 . 10/1/2011
I know it's been years since you posted this, but it was beautiful and I felt that I needed to tell you that. Thanks so much for posting!
Livia2001 chapter 7 . 1/3/2011
I love this story! Awesome writing
BookLover223 chapter 7 . 4/25/2010
I love it
EriKaBalDeL chapter 7 . 2/21/2010
i pretty much cried throughout it all!

and i loved that lassie knew..

but that last chapter, while understandable, not really what i was hoping for..

and the "i don't care" bit, i don't get it..! mostly because i think he does..
Meatball42 chapter 7 . 11/28/2009
I love this story. I can absolutely see him doing that if something like that happened, and you got me crying by the end of it, I hate sad endings, and that's why this review sucks but I really, really love this piece and seeing how Lassie and Jules and McNabb ascended in ten years and they were so in-character and even though it's wicked sad I still love this fic. So thanks for writing it, even if it's quite sad. Love this fic.
jo993551 chapter 7 . 10/22/2009
this was a verry nice story, like you said in one of your comments a bit darker then the show but still portraying the characters very well. I loved reading it.
pageleaf chapter 7 . 9/2/2009
That's so sad, and so like Shawn, so dysfunctional, and that's just how he would take it if Gus died. Like he'll act, 10 years later, like nothing changed, but he would be more...hollow. You portrayed it so well, even if it made me really sad. I'm normally a romantic fluff kind of girl, but you made it to my favorites!
Potterworm chapter 7 . 8/23/2009
Really, freakin' fantastic this story. I especially like Lassiter's 'It's always been him' comment.
serenphoria chapter 1 . 4/5/2009
I'm finding it hard to breathe after finishing this story on Psychfic. Beautiful and melancholy and oh Shawn!
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