Reviews for Diplomatic Protocol
Gamma Cavy chapter 1 . 7/15/2014
give the use of bastard furer, can I assume that Mustang fulfilled his dream?
sierra.steinbrecher chapter 1 . 10/22/2013
Thank you. You served that general up on a silver platter, it was hilarious.
Yuu3 chapter 1 . 8/2/2013
Awesome. Go Ed, and the base commander too. Love it.
Varia no Shizue chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
I really like it, though I wish there was more Mustang. I like the way Edward seems more mature.
Isniffsharpies chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
This is a very cute little oneshot, it made me giggle.:D chapter 1 . 6/1/2010
That was just full of awesomeness.
Viper-Rock chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
Very well done. I can totally believe Ed would do that, given a few years to get his hotheaded-ness under control.
FullmetalKeyblade-13 chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
I'm so happy that you're gonna continue on alchemys child.. It's really awesome..x3 Go Edward! Show that stupid general! muhahah!
Harm Marie chapter 1 . 3/3/2009
Nice. I lived the ending.
dhrachth chapter 1 . 9/5/2008
Very nice. That was very Edward.
TrisakAminawn chapter 1 . 5/7/2008
Hahaha. That was fun. (See, I did review you.) What world are you writing in, apart from the obvious answer ‘your own?’ It seems somehow like the anime world, cut off somewhere in the plot, with manga info thrown in. I liked Mei’s cameo. Ah, sorrow, Ed is being forced to wear uniform now…not all the time, right? Just for military functions? I can’t imagine him living his life in uniform. He just wouldn’t be himself if he assented, and I’m not talking about image. Kind of hard to imagine him staying in the military at all, but…the story needed it, and the story was good. XD Generally accepted…arrive after Furher Mustang…haha, comments about wit and personality granted, and Mustang’s procrastination skills granted, that annoying charcoal-manufacturer is actually working all the time. Good job designing such a thoroughly annoying character. ‘Yes, old man?’ Pf! Children should be…oh, well done, well done, Edward. And on top of that, even though he was restraining himself, he must have been so obviously dangerously angered, if the helpful commander advised retreating and the general did it. Hah. XD The cake was a good ending.

XD Of course Canada has a military.

Mkay, complaint department, get your notepads ready. Concrit time. In that bit about last year’s dinner I loved so much, you left out the word ‘were’ at the front of ‘still just a little drugged up on pain medication.’ The sentence structure demanded it. There’s definite confusion about where Ed’s sitting, now. You said at the end, so he had only one seat mate (kept it simple to write, check,) however that puts him at either the head or the foot. If he was at the head, he’d be sitting with Mustang, hah. So he’s way at the bottom here-okay, except you placed Al ‘further down the same high table.’ But since Ed's at the bottom, Al's further up somewhere. Among one or two other awkward phrases, I noted ‘due to his seating partner’s idle chatter,’ partly because it’s a troublesome construction most of the time and partly because it really doesn’t sound like Ed, which otherwise you do. Left out a preposition after ‘not just that, oblivious’. You switched tenses in the ‘more expensive the meal’ sentence. Okay, that's enough. Great one-shot.

Trisak out.
Vi chapter 1 . 4/11/2008
this one is really good, though i would have liked a little more humiliation for that general guy, it would have been funny!
greengirl6 chapter 1 . 4/8/2008
I've got to say you write Edward almost perfectly. He's a smug little genius, with a snappy attitude and a smart mouth who's insanely devoted to the people he chooses. he's got his wise moments but mostly he's childish. Perfect! Speaking of which today is the first time I've ever read your writing, so you're going to get more than a couple review from me.)
Muria chapter 1 . 3/7/2008
Love it! Ed would so do this... A bit more maturity to keep his temper, and maintain the attitidue he already has... :)
Hisshou chapter 1 . 3/2/2008
Haha. Interesting topic, and a fun read!
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