Reviews for Tylers Master
WinchesterNimrod chapter 20 . 6/23/2015
hahaha. Cheeky Master. Excellent story, i'm thinking of doing one myself. Any pointers on how to portray the Master and Doctor's interaction because yours is excellent.
saffarinda chapter 20 . 1/1/2013
Oh... I hate you :'( I'm crying at 4am reading this... thanks. Ughhh, its all emotional :'( but i loved it
Badaman chapter 20 . 5/14/2012
Come fam, ashes to ashes was tight. Don't hate things you haven't seen. But it was a pretty good fic yeah.
Riddle Wraith chapter 20 . 12/26/2011
Actually, John wanted to leave because he missed his family, not having got to see them much because of the constant filming. He did say he regrets it though. I know what you mean though. I'm not even going to watch it once John 'leaves' the show. He's the reason I started watching it and no one can replace him adequately in the role of Sam or his replacement. Sam Tyler, and hence John Simm, will always have a special place in my heart. Btw, I haven't watched all the episodes with John in them yet, but I know what happens thanks to some stupid people on the net who just HAD to tell everyone the ending. . Anyway, great story. Loved it.
pareidolia chapter 20 . 6/22/2011
I was very sad that Sam wasn't in Ashes to Ashes too, but then I watched it and it is not a rip off. It is brilliant. Plus it has lots of the Gene Genie.
CJaMes12 chapter 20 . 3/20/2011
Fantastic! And I agree with oyu on Sam and Ashes to Ashes. He Should Sooo have come in to the series!
Phantom Dennis chapter 10 . 1/29/2011
I considered posting before, mainly to criticize the Rouge Angles of Satin problem of previous chapters. I wanted to say there their. You had the Doctor worried about a red Time Lord. And Annie rapping her hands (due to the drums?). This chapter really worked. I can hear the Master saying that, and incorporating "Time Crash" and "Voyage of the Damned" into your premise was inspired. Although technically there was no paradox with the Titanic since it was actually there. The TARDIS shields were down.
Phantom Dennis chapter 1 . 1/29/2011
The main thing I don't like about Chapter One is that you're ignoring that Martha walked away from the Doctor and the reason she did. I understand why Martha has to be in this story, but it would have been better if you explained why Martha's travelling with the Doctor again. Perhaps have her doing so reluctantly.
Vivian chapter 20 . 12/20/2010
PLEASE DO A SEQUEL This is soooooo goood! :)
KataraAlways chapter 20 . 12/20/2010
3 words:

Max Evelyn chapter 20 . 9/21/2010
Oh I so love this story and you should so do a sequel to this... :)
lupihns chapter 20 . 5/23/2010
This was great! I love it when I come across a long fic like this that I enjoy so much! Well done and thanks for writing it!

timenspace chapter 20 . 7/30/2009
I L-o-v-e-d this to no end. I haven't actually SEEN LoM yet, but I know the story, and ho yes, crossovers rock! :D

Despite your lack of a beta I thought it was really well done...just amazing.

I haz a spoiler: The MASTER is BACK on Christmas! :D
BeebAnarok chapter 1 . 6/7/2009
XD. I found this fic again! I read this so long ago and I'm all giddy I found it! Sam Tyler is lurve 3
The Dark Heroine chapter 20 . 5/4/2009
I love this story! It is brilliant! Wow, very impressive. All I can say is keep writing! :D
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