Reviews for Eleven
apiegohome chapter 5 . 9/5/2015
Your writing is beautiful, I really enjoyed this. Thanks (:
TopKat chapter 4 . 9/14/2011
your writing style is so solid, it astounds me! the imagery in all of these is really gorgeous, it's hard to put into words. Love it.
C3LLO chapter 5 . 2/23/2011
Can I just review the whole story so far? The short little chapters of pure bittersweetness? The shortness of each chapter is just so beautiful, and just the feel each gives off. I really can't get enough. There's nothing sexual about them. It's just...stunning. I don't even how to explain it. I love the way you write and bring out the story.

I really can't wait for more, seeing how it's not complete. I hope you pick up this project soon.(:
squigglything chapter 5 . 1/30/2011
Hello! Wow. just found this story and I'm really loving it :)It's real adorable XD Hope you update this again sometime!
rudy flamthrowa chapter 1 . 5/16/2010
What a gem! :D
hangthesilver chapter 5 . 10/17/2009
The first chapter sucked the breath out of me. Then all of them proceeded to do the same. Can't name it exactly, but it's heavy and I like it. Can't wait to see more.
Versace Frolic chapter 1 . 8/18/2009
For almost a year now I've been too intimidated to leave you a real review. I think there's one or two on here somewhere, but nothing really valid. It was some troubling, irrational fear that I wasn't good enough to even be allowed to appreciate the weight of your writing. I thought that I should wait until I have something really, really important to say. And then I just... it just felt like I had already told you how much I adore your writing, how there are images from your work that have lodged themselves, forever it seems, in my head. Roxas eating steak, for example. Roxas in a dress, for example. Did you know that I hate Roxas? I hate him and his stubborn bastard face, and how he doesn't give a fuck, and how he's selfish and undeserving. I hate Roxas, but your particular articulation of him-your ballsy, breathing, glorious Roxas-is one of just three in the entire fandom and canon that I love. And then the other day we were talking about Chinese food, and I went through my favorites and you weren't on there. It's like remembering something important, and you just can't believe you didn't remember.

"He pins Axel face first into the wall by the open window, hitches the little black dress up around his hips and fucks him there, with no messy sort of preamble like words or apologies or explanations."-This line is an example of exactly what I love about your work. Unapologetic, unflinching. No "messy preamble." Everyone gets caught up in exposition, in forever explaining away something. Why? Why, when you can have the scene and it's already screaming so loud that you're half deaf from the force of it. Your images are demanding, are gritty, are like slaps in the face.

The more and more I'm trying to pull quotes to show you just how much, just HOW MUCH there is here, the more I'm seeing that I would be better off quoting the entire thing. Line after line of dense, lush prose. It tears open the mind and pulses, bleeding beautiful things everywhere. Because language is weak, or I am weak, I can't tell you how much. I can just cry and cry from exposure to perfection, the way you think it'd feel to stand on the sun.

Also, I love calamari.
toastyoats chapter 5 . 6/19/2009
fantastic; gorgeous.

old abused adjectives, et al.

love this lots, are you considering continuing?

i wish i could be as talented as you,

but ima settle for being your fan. :D
Versace Frolic chapter 4 . 6/3/2009
You'd think there's only so many perfect images you can fit in a story... but, no. There isn't. I'm trying hard not to ramble on about some weird, bare corner of literary theory, but there's so much here worth talking about. It's so hard to do brief things well, but you always manage it. Succinct, but heavy, swollen almost with meaning.

I fucking love it, in short.
Mello7 chapter 3 . 2/12/2009
Something about the chapter titles that makes me smile. I probably like them because of their simplicity and bluntness. Those two seem to walk hand in hand in your writing.

Unlike the two first chapters, this one is proving itself hard to review. I mean I absolutely adore it and I want to cuddle with it, but I'm not sure what I could say about it.

I find this whole chapter desperately romantic. Maybe because of the roughness of the first ones and the effect that the photographs of Axel have on Roxas. That's a boy in love.

You know, you have a way of creating very clear images in my mind. Like that bit where Axel's sitting in the laundrette. I can see it as if it was right in front of me.

I get the feeling that without saying anything Roxas apologizes to Axel and is forgiven, again wordlessly.
Mello7 chapter 2 . 2/11/2009
Damn it, I accidentally sent the review for chapter 1 before I was done with it. I'll just continue here from where it got cut off..

So, as I was saying, in one paragraph: crude sex, a rough way of making up. And then suddenly this: " - stretching out loose muscles like a cat in the honey slats of warm sunshine streaming in on him." That's beautiful, I truly think so. And then Roxas comes and takes pictures. My reaction is a mixture of "wow", "wtf" and "damn".

" - to declare him a P.Y.T - " Ahhahaa, Pretty Young Thing.

And off to chap 2:

"His hair is two shades off neon, his grin one cut away from deadly." Your. Descriptions. Rock. My. World. They have so much to do with the characters and the tone of your narrating, it blows me away. I can't understand why you don't have a hundred reviews. The entire first paragraph is so good.

It's also really interesting to try guessing just what Axel's and Roxas' relationship is based on. Sex? Something like actual, factual feelings for each other? Whatever it is, it teeters on obsession.

I love and hate you for not describing Roxas' tattoo. On the one hand, I like to imagine what it could be and on the other, I hate the guess-work.

Oh, and you make the present tense work like charm.
Mello7 chapter 1 . 2/11/2009
Ah, please, tell me you'll be doing something like Eleven chapters of this? Damn, I love it. I'll be back later to review the other chapters as well.

This straight-to-the-point kind of approach you have is something I really like. Fics (or whatever) that take their time describing, say, the surroundings are alright, I like them too, but for me, a style like this is special.

And no explanations, for example, as to exactly why Roxas is wearing a dress and why would the papers be interested in Axel's hissy fits. Though we'll know later, obviously.

And the paragraph where there is some really crude sex
Souvenir chapter 6 . 5/28/2008
I thought this was beautifully written, very fluid. You had me captured with the first sentence; I think it was a brilliant way to open. It all seems laced with tragedy, though, so I'm wondering where this is going.
pink sweater chapter 1 . 4/7/2008
I your stories very much. Thank you.

13loves8loves9loves6 chapter 6 . 3/24/2008
hm interesitng little bunch of stories heheheh
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