Reviews for Hope From the Seeds of the Muggleborn Marriage Act
Lilianz939 chapter 62 . 1/17/2019
It’s been years! Please update!
Lilianz939 chapter 63 . 11/21/2018
It’s been 4 years! Please update! All waiting
Lilianz939 chapter 63 . 11/16/2018
Please update soon! Thx
Robin1214 chapter 63 . 11/13/2018
Please oh please update
tennesseegirl1891 chapter 63 . 4/24/2018
Please continue I love this story
Taylor chapter 63 . 2/10/2018
Pleeasssse continue this fic. it is amazing
catherinahawkins chapter 63 . 12/22/2017
please continue
Nachtwens chapter 11 . 10/4/2017
I tried this story because I really like marriage law stories. I have read some really brilliant stories and yours definitely has potential, but is not edited enough. I understand you wrote the first part at a really young age and it unfortunately shows...
You move from event to event without any description of inner thoughts. Hermione and severus both are completely shocked the moment they recieve the letter, but are accepting soon after... He almost immediately starts letching after her and dreams of Hermione carrying his name: he is very OOC here.
And what's with Ron's yelling? Is he her boyfriend? It seems not, because soon after she may have received a letter from Krum (years after the Tournament where she met him...) basically as a reader, I have no idea where our Golden Trio stand: has their friendship changed? Are they traumatized? What were their reasons for returning to Hogwarts? Etc.
To be honest, I stopped reading at the end of chapter 11: that last sentence could not be more out of place for me. That's what you say to someone you know really well, not to your professor who you've just been forced to marry!

I would suggest making every chapter at least 3 times as long with extra information and introspection etc while also slowing down the speed of the story. And get 1 or 2 secondary storylines (although these may appear after chapter 11?)
I'm not being mean, just honest. I hope that is also how it comes across.
Succubuslust chapter 63 . 7/29/2017
God nab it! And here I was hoping for a sexy moment and two children to pop along.. I'm dying a bit inside not seeing the ending to some of these stories
AnonAg chapter 63 . 2/16/2016
I have just read all 63 chapters over 2 nights I am now hooked. I hope one day you get some more time to work on this story. Thankyou for sharing it.
twistedhalfsmileM chapter 51 . 1/26/2016
I Caught That Reference
I caught that reference!
Did I mention that I CAUGHT THAT REFERENCE?!
Also, Wizard of Oz is awesomely perfect. As is this fic. Although I want to read M-rated stuff with this fic's Sev and Mione, I doubt there'll be any *pouts*.
Write more because I'm an addict and you are one of my dealers of sweet, sweet OTP-fanfiction.
twistedhalfsmileM chapter 41 . 1/26/2016
Just an excuse to get your juices flowing, eh?
*wicked smirk*
twistedhalfsmileM chapter 40 . 1/26/2016
That is the sound of a muffled, fangirlish squeal emanating from a hardcore SevMione shipper who is supposed to be studying quietly.
In other words, I approve.
twistedhalfsmileM chapter 33 . 1/26/2016
Maybe Severus could give Hermione like a book organizer and like book coupon or a surprise trip to a seaside day out. Hermione could ask Harry for Basilisk bits to give Severus or something else Potions-related, like organizing and labeling all of his ingredients. Gifts for Hermione's parents could be a vacation to France or communication mirrors like Sirius and Harry had. I know you've already written it but maybe these could be included in another SevMione fic? Thanks and I love your writing btw.
BCgurlie chapter 63 . 12/20/2015
Hope you continue this story!
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