Reviews for Shadow Borne From Light
Guest chapter 4 . 11/21/2017
Im confused you keeep saying darien do you mean the story character or is that endymion
haniata.of.passion chapter 14 . 9/30/2008
ohh noo..will Endymion be o.k?

its soo weird..i can't call him Endymion. it just doesnt .

Darien goes very well..hahah)

please update soon.

its a very interesting story and i really realyy

want to know what happens.

heheh GREAT STORY by the way. please update soon
moon-sere-pri-15 chapter 14 . 7/16/2008
i really love this story it kinda reminds me of a book called twillight keep writing and updateing
tigerlily124 chapter 14 . 1/26/2008
Whew, poor Endymion! I hope Serenity is close by. I really like this!
sousie chapter 14 . 1/14/2008
keep up the good work and update soon
crazyperson-pop chapter 14 . 1/13/2008
great story and're right about the comments you made in one of your earlier chapters people see that it's becoming a vamp fic and go un huh not reading that but you have done an eloquent way of bringing this story to unlife! the only criticism i have is that there is way too much romance between setsuna and endy and no real romance between endy and sere..:( i know authors love to build the romance up slowly but girl (i hope sorry if your not..i tried to check your profile to double check!) your killing us waffys with the lack of true romance...hope it comes soon and i love the fact that you've written the story already (it's what i'm planning to do eventually) again great job, brilliantly written and way to go
Champion of Justice chapter 14 . 1/11/2008
Oh wow. This is totally Awsome. Great chapter. I was so suprised about the whole Angels and God thing. Great chapter. Please update soon.
EvaC chapter 14 . 1/11/2008
What another great chapter. Please write more when you can.
hehe chapter 14 . 1/11/2008
Is this going to be a serenity and endymoin fic?
tigerlily124 chapter 13 . 12/21/2007
Wow! Nice turn in the story. I really enjoyed this chapter! Thanks!
moonlitsfantasy chapter 13 . 12/19/2007
This is really good. I don't think I particualarly like Endy in this story-he's too obnoxious and self centered. Anyways, thanks for the update and UPDATE SOON! Loving the story!
Melissa chapter 13 . 12/19/2007
By the way this story is going I don't think Endymion could ever love Serenity. He sees her far too much as a sister figure and more of a friend. It will be a challange to write a story that involves intimate love between the two. Perhaps the deep love is one that is described as familial.
Friends1004 chapter 13 . 12/19/2007
OMG! you have to update soon. I wanna know what happens next. Endymion can't be really angry with Serenity no...
chibiangel413 chapter 12 . 12/7/2007
I am so glad Serenity is back. I do have one complaint, in earlier chapters you said her husband was Seiya, but in this one you called him Thomas. You just want to make sure you remain consistant in your characters.
Forever Ordinary chapter 12 . 12/6/2007
Gosshh, when is he going to realize Serenity is the one for him? And Endymion should've thought of her more when she was away. And how could she forgive himso easily when he didn't love her?


I'm so tired of hearing his love for Setsuna, no offense and all, lols. Just a little frustrated / Update soon...I guess.
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