Reviews for Tipsy
Jahunta4974 chapter 1 . 4/4/2016

I just love drunk people!
The Reserved Reader chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
Favorite Lines:

"Honey, you know I want to touch her. We all do, don't we guys?” - That had me in stitches. I think it is completely likely that the women aren’t the only ones drunk. No wonder Logan got so angry.

“Before his eyes he saw the other man's eyes flicker several times between man and Wolverine and noted the tightening of his grip on the young woman in his arms.” – I liked how even though this wasn’t necessarily from Logan’s POV you still managed to bring forth the internal struggle Logan is going through as a result of Marie gaining control.

This was a great one-shot that had me laughing all the way through:)
MysteryLady-Tx chapter 1 . 5/20/2010
LOL..that was GREAT Poor Rogue! hehehe, and SCOTT! LMAO!

KatSin chapter 1 . 4/17/2009
lmao... I love seeing the girls so silly and out of character. And it's hilarious to me that Remy-that scoundrel, oh how I love him-was the voice of Reason!
Mavrixtrinkia chapter 1 . 2/26/2009
*puts a hand on her mouth to control the insane laughter filtering through* *snorts* hahahahaha! that was great! *laughs harder hitting her head on the desk* i'm hahaha wow haha that was haha *takes a deep breath* foonay
Miasen chapter 1 . 9/20/2008
Excellent one-shot! :D It was funny and sweet, and I most definitely have to read the other one-shots following this. :D And you referring to Angel as the winged Adonis-that made me giggle, because I think I do that a lot myself. LOL
3togetready chapter 1 . 9/10/2008
I loved this! The best stories are when Logan gets protective of Marie. Those always make my day! On to the next installment!
mamakat05 chapter 1 . 8/16/2008
lol poor Professer. No drinks for him. :)
JayJay015 chapter 1 . 7/12/2008
“That pretty-boy pervert over there just propositioned we gang-bang Marie and now I’m gonna rip him apart!”

Haha! This was classic! I almost choked on laughter when I read this part.

Also had a good chuckle to myself over the thought of Magneto taking the kids on a camping trip! hehehe. It brought on this thought, "Hm... I think I'll give up my life of crime, forego my plans for world domination and become a babysitter! Yes, that sounds good." hehehe

I really enjoyed this fic, it was wonderfully written, full of great humor, while sticking to the characters true personalities. Brilliant. I'm off to read the second part.

Also, thank you for the review on my story "My Immortal". I hope you're still enjoying it and look forward to any other feedback you'd like to leave. I just posted the final chapter today. Thanks again!
pickingwildflowers2 chapter 1 . 7/4/2008
this is so cute i love getting rogue drunk it gives you a whole nother side of her to write about its so much fun
gem1990 chapter 1 . 7/2/2008
Head wobbling, Marie smiled up at him trustingly. “Logan! Sugah, d’ya wanna be firsht?”

He groaned and let his head fall back, mercilessly shoving all the lurid images flooding his mind at her innocent words back to the dark recesses of his thoughts where they belonged. Scott reached a hand towards her cheek and Logan yanked her out of his range. “Back off, One-eye!” he barked.

OH! Me likes this story! ;) I wish there was a second part of it. It is great!
Stephanie M. A chapter 1 . 5/28/2008
haha i luv how jean wanted a thresome
M. Iris Alicea chapter 1 . 1/29/2008
Wow! I like this one too! And Double points go to you because you used the characters accents properly. So few do now with Remy. Congratulations, Wanda!

ceilidh-kay chapter 1 . 12/24/2007
Ha Ha!

Now THAT is funny!

...Poor Logan... i guess poor marie too...hee hee
Dita chapter 1 . 10/21/2007
Tee hee... orgy anyone? That was pretty freakin hilarious. Your one shot is as good as your full story, way to go! Although... I think you should grace your one shot with a second shot lol, so we'll all know if Logan took Xaviers advice and let Rogue sleep. It's not fair to torture the masses lol.

You must be busy, finishing full stories and already uploading new fics? phew... I'm tired for you. But keep it up!
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