Reviews for Orange Blossoms
MyahLyah chapter 1 . 10/1/2011
This was just gorgeously sensual. Loved it. And ew orgies. Just kidding. They're awesome. Not that I would know. *blushes*
BlackGrlOtaku chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
I love this. It's so beautiful and full of raw emotion. It's not about fucking. This is how two people should make love haha. I absolutely adore this piece! The setting was perfect, calm, serene, and gentle. Shang and Ji Su were endearing and so very romantic. Gah. Love it, love it, love it! I also love your historical accuracy of the content! That always makes the fiction genuine and true to the era. :DDD I look forward to more of your pieces. _
TheLadySongSerenade chapter 1 . 5/21/2010
awww... how cute!
AriesPrincess-Slyffindor chapter 1 . 4/28/2009
wtf. i faved it
Autumndusks chapter 1 . 1/22/2008
Wonderfully done with melt-in-your-mouth goodness. Such a well-written, bold, tasteful sex fic. So well done I actually read it all the way to the sex.
AJ Martinez chapter 1 . 10/5/2007
love it!
thelorlack chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
Shoot...I can't take many more of these stories. Well, okay, I can, and I want them, but they make me so damn horny! Maybe you should make a sequel where they see each other again or where Ji Su comes and finds Shang to tell him she's pregnant...that would be such a scandal!

keep writing,

Lorah :)
Bella-Tragedia chapter 1 . 6/7/2005
that was...pretty. you made it seem beautiful. really you did. and i rather like the idea of a giant town orgy. except the people of my town are all old and wrinkly and ugly as sin. except everybody under 20. they're all pretty hot. but that's the minority of my town. the rest are old...wrinkly... and ugly as sin. lol
sashae chapter 1 . 3/30/2004
you... are wonderful. i love this fic. it's cute, funny, sexy, somewhat relaxing, and i love the setting of the story. i beleive u should write a fic about them meeting again, at night, different location, him going back to the post after a seven day war, not seeing her for weeks, thinking about her all the time, having dreams of her, and vice versa, any whoo, they meet all torn up, they go back to there spot, talking about what happened, and so on . then, they make love , again, only this time he's more ruff, and she becomes so scared that she tries to leave, but he grabs her, she tries to get away from him and he's hurting her, and she tells him that he is, and he realizes it and starts to cry, and he gets down on his knees and starts to apolagize and she gets on her knees and starts to hug and kiss him, then they end up making love again until the next day, ha woke up first sees her realizing that he loves her, and the second she wakes up, he says " i love you", and she smile and says "i love you too". ( just a suggesting this idea and if you like it, you can use it, but it would be nice of you cold give me some credit by putting a" thanks, sashae"(that's me) in the story for me! i can understand if you like saying u came up with the idea, thats how i am with my art work too, but it would be nice if i could get some real credit by a real writer! thankz! ) -sashae- keep on writewriting! i luv u!
someone chapter 1 . 3/20/2004
um...your story was well
Elle Marshall chapter 1 . 1/30/2004
Oh yes:) brilliantly described. So sweet.
WildDragonFire chapter 1 . 9/27/2003
That was actually kind of cute. Very well done!
Senaca chapter 1 . 1/16/2002
It's really nice to have the main guy in a story attracted to a more unique sort of girl. I mean, in EVERY other sex story, the female is usually some wanton, skinny, over-developed, cookie cutter type of character.
Lrnd chapter 1 . 1/3/2002
Are u kidding


i didn't know that chapter 1 . 12/4/2001
Waht a sweet and wonderfully done story! I liked the sensitive way you handled it, and that the girl was not a typical beauty. Good job!
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