Reviews for Dollhouse MD
Guest chapter 22 . 4/20/2013
I love all your fic house
sad that I continued to write house
Thx chapter 22 . 4/9/2013
This was a really good story and nice and long as well thank you
LonelyNightz chapter 22 . 1/26/2013
what a splendid idea you had here! i love it! great job.
VivatRex chapter 22 . 8/15/2012
I loved this. One of my favorite Hilson fics.
Missterrie chapter 1 . 1/20/2011
You are just awesome! I'm kinda new, so what's WilsonFest? It sounds cool! Please leave me a note.
ImLostForever chapter 15 . 10/1/2010
great fic!
ImLostForever chapter 22 . 9/30/2010
this fic was just amazing. well done!
Luzith chapter 22 . 1/27/2010
this is possibly the most insane plot idea i have ever read. i loved it. :)
Fuzzybuni chapter 22 . 7/23/2009
Wow, cute fanfiction! The ending was purely AWESOME! x3

I'll definitely re-read this in the future.
Maura A.K.A The Dark One chapter 22 . 6/29/2009
um...i love you. This story was so cute (pun intended) and so funny . I totally loved it. Bravo! :)
Eredis chapter 12 . 4/20/2009
Yay! Wilson was found!

Great story, It's very entertaining.
Chibi-Chi chapter 22 . 2/19/2009
This was amazing. I sat and read this all in one sitting. It was so good, and one of the best things about it is the Name for the condition. Lilliputian disease. Simple but So effective.
lcdrsuperseal chapter 22 . 10/27/2008
Oh this was very funny, and excellent writing!
Megan Faye chapter 22 . 9/11/2008
Best part: House looking at Cuddy. I laughed so hard I fell off the couch (i was reading it online on my Gameboy DSLite) and had my boss read it. She loved it! Its another fantastic story from you!
Certain Velocity chapter 22 . 8/29/2008
Yeah, 'cause it was totally terrorists and not the author (Or House.) with an insanely awesome shrinking gun. XD He just wanted to get in Jimmy's pants.

I loved the story. I mean, wouldn't it just be flippin' awesome to come upon the House cast in miniature? Sweetness.
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