Reviews for Words I Couldn't Say
Kotali chapter 14 . 3/18/2018
I'm left with mixed feelings.

I still very much like, and am frustrated by most of the characters. Except for Ben, he is precious.

I'm not sure if this Vic has been orphaned or not, and while I've been doing reading it, I don't really understand where it's all going. as much as I love Arnold and Helga, this really doesn't seem to be their day. I feel like they should move on to other people and be happy...
I hope they all get some kind of glad outcome.
Kotali chapter 6 . 3/17/2018
I'm torn.
I like all of the characters, but I'm also frustrated by them. I like your Sandy and Ben. Arnold was a brat, albiet understandably.

I'm waiting to see Helga exhibit her hard won self-control and emotional development. TT_TT
I Hope they all get a bit of happiness.
guest chapter 14 . 5/25/2016
I hope Helga and Arnold end up together :(
guesstheguest chapter 2 . 5/25/2016
Yep. Still a keeper, this one. Love it!
guesstheguest chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
It has been a very long time since I last read this series, but I was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon it again and find that it will be continued. I have not even started reading the updated version yet, so I realize this isn't really a review, but I just wanted to let you know that some of your old fans are still here. So thank you for coming back to this, and I'll give you a more "official" review once I'm done :)
StrangerWays chapter 14 . 3/23/2016
It's really amusing to see two totally different perspectives. Arnold is just being himself with Helga. While Helga is idiolizing Arnold and turning everything he says into something with romantic implication. I really don't want to see Helga's feelings getting hurt but it seems inevitable.

Mind messaging me and telling me the changes you made in particular?
Guest chapter 14 . 3/15/2016
I really enjoyed this story the first time around, but the changes you made make it so much better! Can't wait to see where this goes and if Arnold and helga will ever get together!
Polkahotness chapter 14 . 3/16/2016
Stupid bumps, huh? I get those a lot. Mostly around my coworkers and crabby customers. I feel ya, Helga.

"conceited, creepy Cory chaos" what a great alliteration!

"the way you could see the gears spinning in her mind, but wish all you could, you'd never know what they were spinning" i like this line a lot. i know a few people like this and it's incredibly agitating.

There's a lot of people I'd like to smash over the head with a television. Mostly stupid people who give me stupid bumps. feel free to write a chapter about that saga of the television smashing- i'd read the heck out of that.

"So be gracious, not judgemental, mister. That's the sweet taste of Helga G. Pataki holding back so you could have some dinner, stalker boy." hahahahahhahahahaha oh i love that

I react in the same way Helga does every time that smooth, smooth Arnoldo winks. I just melt into a little puddle of Lindsey-mush.

I haven't eaten yet and all this talk about calzones is making my tummy rumble real hardcore like a teenage screamo concert or something. I love calzones. mmmmm.

HA. Helga and Stinky. Well garsh, that sounds like an idear there. I done plum forgot about all that fake-dating nonsense. ;)

your Helga riffs are getting very good :D I'm digging this one about sipping drinks in the bahamas ;)

Oh goodness me, poor Helga and Arnold are on different conversational paths. Good ones- but very very different hahaha

Aw man... I hope the Cecile thing comes up again. I love seeing other fanfiction writers write out the confession for that :)

all this nervousness makes me think Arnold has some... underling feelings a-going on heres.

I would like to see some more thoughts in Arnold's mind about Sandy and passed dances- i feel like that's a cool road to go down and would be fun to read about :) I can't wait until the actual dance though :) I feel like it's gonna be juicy.

BE STILL MY HEART! He thinks Helga is beautiful! *swoons and dies dramatically*

I miss Gerald though. Silly Sandy stealing Arnold away from his one true Bromance.

hahaha i just had the mental picture of Arnold asking Gerald to homecoming and it was the funniest thing I've imagined all day.

OOH OUCH SLAM DUNK CHECK MATE. He just referenced the infamous rooftop confession. Holy smokes.

OH MY GOSH AGAIN ARNOLD IS MAKING ME SWOON AND IMMA DIE HE'S JUST THE CUTEST HUMAN EVER. Paying for Helga and being so cutelike about it just UGH he's wonderful and we are all not worthy.

OKAY YOU'RE KILLING ME CAUSE IT'S ALL SO CUTE AND i CAN'T EVEN. I can't even this ending cause Arnold is the perfect gentlemen and it's adorable.

Well i HOPE nothing breaks that spell Helga ole girl, but this IS a story so I do believe SOMETHING will.

Great chapter! I look forward to more :D
Pointy Objects chapter 13 . 3/15/2016
I'm so sorry for missing this chapter! I'm gonna make it up with a bomb commentary review!

Oh, so we're picking up halfway through the date? Nice. Yeah, Cory sounds like the kind of guy who would "show you his watch" to put the moves on you...what a creep...


I know that feeling...the hangry that comes when you're unhappy and need food. i feel you, Helga. See? You write a good Helga!

NEVER TELL A PATAKI TO CHILL Oh my goodness, that is too funny! Its true though, don't tell a Pataki to chill. Not a good idea, buddy.

Haha! Hangry! He knows whats up too!

I literally just said something to Richard about being hungry and putting food in your gullet! I didn't know anyone else used that word except me!

" takes a village to kill an idiot and not get caught," I want that on my tombstone! You are too funny!

Someone IS watching, we just don't know who it is...yet...muahahahahahaaha

Did he just say that? What an egomaniac. Ugh. I say dump him, now, Helga.

A crash? Uh oh...someone's in trouble

Arnold POV! Awesome!

I knew he'd be following them! Because he's a good guy. And hes secretly harboring feelings for Helga. At least he is in my mind.

Oh, Helga, what is wrong with you?! He was clearly following you around because he cares about you! I love that this story has a little bit of Helga being the clueless one, because its so obvious, but she doesn't get it!

Hahaha! Helga is hilarious! I can just see her creepily suggesting that Cash might be a vampire just to freak Cory out.

WHAT A JERK! I officially can't stand this guy! Rude! RUDE! He clearly has something against sandy,even though he treated her like garbage. What a moron.

Oh no he did not start talking about Arnold. It's on, now. Maybe she'll punch him!

Oh she's definitely going to punch him! I love how protective Helga is of Sandy, even though she's slightly jealous of her.

Yes! I love that Arnold was going to defend Sandy, but Helga beat him to it!

I don't like Cory's tone just he going to start rumors about her too? This guy is no good, man.

"That's just Helga." Hahahaha. Arnold does know how to handle her like no other.

I like all the personal things you added to make this chapter real (sorry about all the weird dates...). And that restaurant is making me hungry, even though its too late to even think about eating a pizza bomb. Nice work, hon!
heyarnoldfangirl chapter 14 . 3/15/2016
Wonderful chapter. The awkwardness of it all was really fun to read. Thank you for the update.
Writer25 chapter 14 . 3/15/2016
I really like this story and needless to say I'm rooting for Arnold and Helga to get together, but Sandy isn't a terrible character
StrangerWays chapter 13 . 3/2/2016
I must say, I enjoyed your an at the end of this chapter rather than the actual chapter- though the chapter was good. Aha

I have to admit, I have a hard time liking the characters in this story, not because they're written poorly, moreso because they're written well. If that makes sense? Lol Sandy is much too cheerful for my tastes, the sunny side disposition she holds and her childish antics aren't my cup of tea. She's always talking rather than listening and it's an annoyance. I feel like the cow singing Kristi right now lmao. But I can genuinely see why Arnold "loves" her.

Arnold is... Well, he's kind of messed up in that large head of his. In the beginning his feelings for Sandy seemed genuine. He said he loved her. But as soon as Helga made an appearance he just admits to liking her. Not only that he seems more focused on others affiliated with Sandy rather than her own feelings. Sandy saying yes to him for homecoming should have had him ecstatic. Instead he's glad she's not going with Cash? That's just messed up. And don't even get me started on how he treats Helga. I'm still convinced he doesn't care for her. It's like he's keeping his eyes wide open around her. I feel both of them are holding onto their pasts. Arnold seems to not really dislike Helga nor hate her but it's like he really resents her. So I'm not sure how any relationship can form, let alone a friendship. It's not like Arnold would allow them to be close. Which is not his fault, Helga was cruel in the past.

Helga. Helga Helga Helga! Ughhhhhhhhhh. I really want Helga to find love- mainly be over Arnold. He's not the guy she fell in love with. And it bothers me the acceptance she gives Arnold when he does or says something cruel and unnecessary. But I guess that's guilt and love on her end. Then there's the situation with Sandy... I feel Arnold has given Helga enough signs he's just not interested. So she should just let him be. He'd probably take more notice with her lack of interest in him.

Arnold seems more in love with the challenge rather than the person/people he claims to love.

Ben is my favorite. He's so brutally honest at points in this story that I'm appluading him. How does Ben deal with these people? Lol

This story hasn't transitioned much, I suppose that's because of the time line presented. It's going by day so it's particularly slow in development. I'm sure you'll start getting there soon.

Either way, I'll be reading. I like this and want to see it through the end. Wonder if Grandpa story has any relevance to the main protagonist?
Sandra Strickland chapter 13 . 2/28/2016
I can't believe this Cory guy! I hate guys like him. I was so happy when Helga got rid of him and the way she did it. Showing him the door and telling him she wasnt to stand him talking shit about her friends. I enjoyed reading particularly the part of the allergy wishes and could relate to her when she described him taking his time to decide what to order. Man! I hate that! People who read the entire menu and then when the waiter comes they start to ask details about dishes that they don't even care about.
But above all, loved taht Arnold went to look after her. You sure it's only worry for her wellbeing and not jealousy, Arnold?

The AN giving some background is appreciated. Tks.
Polkahotness XD chapter 13 . 2/27/2016

A) I like the title ;)

Your internal monologue in this chapter is just great. I so enjoy her thought process and her little one-liners. They make me smile and I like them :) PLUS I DON"T LIKE CORY

I HATE PEOPLE WHO DO THAT IN MOVIE THEATRES OH MY GOSH. I wish it was legal to muzzle people at random because I'm tellin' ya. Cory woulda been muzzled like the dirty dog he is.

Any of this hanger from personal experience? ;)
In all seriousness however, I am such a hangry person so I TOTALLY get where she is coming from, although I'D never act like her to a waiter lol. Maybe i might after that hangry comment though ;)

'Jeeves, buddy" hahah oh my that reminds me of ask jeeves and i just busted out laughing. JEEVES hahahahah i love it!

"Never tell a Pataki to 'chill.' Never. Just don't. Seriously. Believe me." This is GOLD. Just hilarious oh my gosh hahahahah


Also- i forgot to say this up there Craigo's huh? Maybe an homage to Craig Bartlett? ;)

Okay seriously. Who just says that at a date. Forrealz? "I can have any girl I want" WHAT EVEN. If Helga doesn't pound him soon, Imma break through my computer screen and do it myself. This guy is an egotistical PRICK.

ARNOLD YOU CUTIE PATOOTIE sneaking out to watch Helga to make sure she's okay, what a cutie, what a thoughtful little blonde haired football faced sweetheart? He loves her! HE LOVES HER. (Just saying.) Maybe Arnold will punch Cory for me ;)

That vampire line- A 100% YES 10/10 would read again oxxxoxoxox (i'm actually the coolest reviewer ever, can you tell ;) )

OH SNAP CRACKLE POP CORY DONE INSULTED ARNOLDO. Stuff is gonna happen... you don't mess with Helga's one true love!

That allergy line man... WOWZA SHE TOLD HIM! I hope he gets some boils and other disgusting reactions as well.

"Nah, She's just Helga" be still my heart! I ship them so hard and I just got ALL the shipping feels :)

OKAY: I really enjoyed this chapter. I laughed, I growled at Creeptastic Cory and his pricky ways, I just really enjoyed the whole thing. Great job! :)
heyarnoldfangirl chapter 13 . 2/27/2016
So I woke up a little early for work, lo and behold, an update! I was so happy reading about Helga's hangry outburst and was really impressed at how she she held her temper in the entire movie. Great chapter! This makes my day now. Thank you.
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