Reviews for The Legacy of the Sea Wolf
Taggg chapter 12 . 2/14/2016
Great story! Nice plot and language, realistic characters.. pity if its discontinued! I suppose soon Dauntless will run aground and most of the crew will be lost. Hope Christian's problem will not be solved by death of good doc, he's just so cute :D of course, there's also Cavendish to consider...
Tia with Barbossa and Annamaria are downright creepy folk! More so than usual in ff...
GlassGazer chapter 12 . 9/10/2015
Ugh, you must continue! It's so rare to find something of quality writing, quality characters (good job with Christian, btw!) and quality plot. This is an absolute work of art. Not to mention I already quite like the female-stowaway idea. I see you've recently updated another story of yours. (; So please, update this one too? (:
Starcrier chapter 12 . 12/1/2013
This story is so good; please update soon?
cactuscorsage chapter 12 . 8/16/2013
The excitement I feel from finding this story cannot be put into words. I love it so much, especially because the focus isn't on just James and Christian, but others as well.
ZabuzasGirl chapter 1 . 6/14/2013
Update immediately, please!Update immediately, please!
CumGranoSalis chapter 11 . 9/3/2011
I really wish that you hadn't quit this story. You are such a wonderful writer, and it is a shame to see that this story will go unfinished. The different plots are interesting, and I adore how you don't spend all of your time focused on Christian and James. The other plots keep the story interesting. Your characters are kept in character very well, and your OC is very believable. I really hope that one day you just feel an urge to return and finish the story, because I would love to see you return! (:
Smilindolfin chapter 11 . 7/14/2011
I love this story! I hope you decide to continue it! Your characters are completely believable and I love the originality of everything!
OhWaybackwayback chapter 10 . 4/30/2009
Great story! By far the best POTC fic I've read. Can't wait for the next chapter!
flyingporridge chapter 10 . 4/10/2009
Very nice story. There were a few editing issues, repeated words, "the" in front of names and verb tense, but you have a good grasp of narrative and character. I appreciate your establishment of a timeline and backstory more than you know.
Morgan chapter 9 . 12/12/2008
I love it so far! Can't wait for the next chapter?
Luthien Saralonde chapter 4 . 6/29/2008
Hello! Just wanted to say that I loved your story so far, but it reads slightly awkwardly when it is in present-tense. Though that could be just me, as I prefer third omniscient. Other than that though, you have a pretty good story! Keep it up!

-Luthien Saralonde
rae1112 chapter 8 . 4/30/2008
You're brilliant, as usual.

And not updating. TT

East-Coast-Invictus chapter 6 . 11/25/2007
Goodness, many apologies for not reviewing regularly on this. There's no excuse for it, I know. Anyway, here I am to make up for it.

While I do love this fic, I can't help but twitch sporadically whenever I read present-tense writing. It's no fault of yours; only me being used to third-person omnicient. Very glad to see Anna Maria, I was! They never gave an explanation of what happened to her after CotBP and frankly, I found her character enjoyable. The dialogue between Christian and James was lovely, what with all the Shakespeare stuff. Though, I couldn't help but -and here I go again- twitch at James' non-stiffness and rather loose tongue. I won't preach to you my characterization of the dear Commodore but from the historical novels with naval captains I've read, they were still restrained even in the company of non-crew members. Even if Christian was a member of the crew, it's general knowledge that the superior officer isn't one for idle chat with underlings. It's bad for business to be restrained and disciplined with one group and wide-open and friendly with anouth, if you know what I mean. Oh, and I've been told that one should capitilize 'commodore' when one is referring to a specific character. For instance: "And so she is cautious around the commodore." Probably should be "...around the Commodore."

Can't wait for the next installment!
interfan chapter 1 . 11/22/2007
Wow, I've just read the prologue and i absolutely loved it! It seems a wonderful tale. Now I'm off to read the rest.

Just hope you don't abandon this cause it sounds really, really, really good.
HippyNikki chapter 6 . 11/13/2007
I like the hints of attraction on Christian's part for James. I thought James's nightmare was particularly well done, especially the description of what Elizabeth was wearing.

My one quibble is that last part, the meeting after their dreams between James and Christian. James always seemed to be murmuring or muttering, which I found distracting after a while.
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