Reviews for The TRUE Purpose of Tetsaiga
stacieblue chapter 5 . 1/9/2016
pumpkinpi chapter 20 . 11/14/2014
Very interesting mixture of comedy, drama, and action! I look forward to more!
ankwhat chapter 20 . 10/31/2014
Please, please finish this story. I really like it.
inulovegirl713 chapter 20 . 12/7/2013
i know it has been a long time but PLEASE for kami sake update!
Rin2015 chapter 20 . 11/17/2013
:) more
Inumimi1 chapter 20 . 7/13/2010
I am new to this story and I was not sure how I would like it (as I am not fond of a female or even effeminate Inuyasha) , but I really like the way you are handling Inuyasha's response to his gender bending. Inu has lived 100 years as a male (and had no gender related issues)and to think he would suddenly enjoy being female is unreal, being bigger and stronger is part of his personality (subtle he is not) and he would not appreciate the loss of any of his strength. I also really like the way you "switched" Kagome, it really works.
bunny chapter 12 . 7/6/2010
Sesshomaru is being too OOC...he and Kagome would never fight like that.. I think you are being too dramatic and going over board.

it's actually very frustrating to read...
KatzeIason69 chapter 20 . 7/6/2010
really great chappie. was starting to wonder what was taking you so long to put it up. but i'm gald it's up here.
InuYasha Taishou chapter 19 . 12/26/2009
I love this story lol
KatzeIason69 chapter 19 . 9/2/2009
wow i can't wait for more to your story.
lurkerlaine chapter 19 . 8/9/2009
I agree with one of your previous reviewers. This is the best fem-inuyasha fic I've read. I do hope you keep going with it.
Ashlan chapter 19 . 6/17/2009

writing are more easier than drawing. Just the ideas are not

for writing and drawing. that I understand.

no comment though.

P/S: your fic are great. demand UPDATED cause WE WANT MORE. happy dealing with your problem though, and hope your LUCK wins.
Aachen chapter 19 . 3/1/2009
-screams from loss of another chapter to read- just had to go and make me addicted to your story didn't you...
twitch42 chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
real quick before i even start reading the first line i just wanna say...GO WITH THE MAN! Sess/Inu-ness is meant to be, screw Kagome!~! Mwaahahaha! there's my opinion adn shall never change through this story. please update! sessy adn inu incest rules!
oeagh chapter 18 . 10/7/2008
.. this isnt really wanted to say that i got your mail thingERs.i know therll be yaoi &that Nuya's just a girl for only alil bit.i really just meant to say that i dont like how others turns either of them into a girl so they could be with the other.i like the way youre doing it.i think its neat that Shoumar likes Nuya as his sister but then will like him as a brother too later sorry! shouldv been more clear on that..


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