Reviews for In Media Res
Mike chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
Wow, I don't even know what to think of this. An amazing short.
Orzhov chapter 1 . 11/10/2007
I've got to say, it's great to have you back in the TP world of fanfic. I've loved every one of your works thus far and this particular one didn't dissappoint me in the least. I really loved how you brought the concept of an aging Link to the readers. Not many really consider him or any of the other characters getting older or changing over time. My favorite part of this is how you took the strained political situation in Twilight and actually made the world around them begin to collapse to reflect it. I'll be sad to see you depart the TP world again but I hope for your return someday. Until later, ciao.
Inflamore chapter 1 . 11/10/2007
Very deep. Very nicely written, and it's quiet unexpected.

Very nice story, and I loved the emotion that I felt when reading it. You are really a gifted writer, far more than alot on here.

Very amazing job.

Aiko-Chan SoT
Link Guru chapter 1 . 11/10/2007
It was very well written, but I don't really understand it, what is going on? It needs more details of some kind.
Blacknoise chapter 1 . 11/10/2007
Surreal is right. I liked it!

You're one of the few authors that won't shy from the ugly reality of aging. Even if your story only has Link in his late 30s, well, we can never be as young as we once were. We can see the aging in his body, and also in his personality.

Interesting that you chose to keep him mute for this story. Even though that's probably more canon than anything else, I feel it lended a great dissonant, eerie tone to this awesome one-shot.

Don't abandon the Zelda fandom! It loves you!
Prosthetic Forehead chapter 1 . 11/10/2007
I didn't care for this. Perhaps it's simply because Link doesn't say anything... or because Midna reacts too calmly; the conflict isn't all that tangible.