Reviews for The Game Battle
Solar Powered Pandas chapter 1 . 9/6/2008
lolz Luv the ending the best! :D Now Fuji has his camera! :3

Orange-Maple chapter 1 . 7/18/2008

I just hanging around at your profile (since you contacted me back then), AND I found this fic! Yeeiy! *dancing*

Though it was not OshiAto fic, At least, Oshitari was there WITH Atobe! WOOHOO! *dancing*

And yeah! There were JUST the two of them from Hyoutei than others! That's kinda -cough- err -cough- like -cough- a DATE! XD

Yeah! Think that Oshitari accompany Atobe at his shopping-routine's such A BRILLIANT IDEA! I DO Love that! XD

Oh, damn, I keep blabbering here, and it's out of topic anyway. Sorry _

Moore! Write moore! What a creative-girl you are! _
yukisana chapter 1 . 6/9/2008
loved it~ so kawaii!

Sanada and Yukimura were so awesome. I loved it how both of them could play arcade games!

Keep up the good work!
Speadee chapter 1 . 1/12/2008
Ha ha! Funny! Good job showing friendships and rivalries! It was kind of sad reading about the teams being split up in different schools and some quitting tennis.

It is like Captain Atobe to be showing off and not wanting to lose. Sanada is not the type to lose either, but I don't think he would be caught up in something stupid, such as arguing adn competing in everything that is not tennis.
mypotofgold chapter 1 . 1/4/2008
well, that was funny!lol! i really love your fanfics Itifal! fav. story again!
RebeccasanFujiEijiLVR chapter 1 . 11/27/2007
hmm very amusing.
Animestar73 chapter 1 . 11/16/2007
xD nicly done. I was smirking at Atobe and Sanada's reastions and teh Oshitari pig thingy was priceless!

Even if English isn't your native language you did a very nice job :)

A few typo's and some words that were misplaced, but other than that it was a fine job in the end!
Magical Girl Powpow chapter 1 . 11/16/2007

Oshitari XD with XD a XD pink XD pig XD plushieXD!XD

Just as in the imperial match, shirota as tezuka riding on a big pink pig plushie XD

I can't imagine seeing Oshitari doing that.
Emmeline Bondurant chapter 1 . 11/16/2007
Yay! I'm the first to review! This is so cute! And, funny! You did such a good job writing this! You portrayed the characters perfectly although there might be slight OCCness. But, that is a good thing cause it made it darn hilarious. Especialy, Atobe and Sanada's rivalry. I absolutely loved the ending where Fuji invited everyone back only so that he could bring his camera. I laughed so hard at that. All in all it was very good. Keep up the good work. Ja ne.