Reviews for The Tale of Two Pranksters
izukillme chapter 3 . 9/17/2019
"Gin can play basketball. If only his opponents would stop being awed by how he spins the ball (he holds it up with three fingers, spins it, magically floats it in the air for a few precious jaw-dropping seconds and catches it again), then they could play. (they don't)"
Omg... Is Gin secretly Haizaki Shogo?! I KNEW IT!
"Gin likes duckies. Particularly, yellow ones with a strange look of confusion and nervousness in their faces."
Hahahahhahhah that's so Gin!
"Gin is actually a well-mannered person. He never goes where he is not welcome. it just so happens that when he was initiated as the Third Squad Captain, Yamamoto-taichou greeted him with a 'Welcome to Soul Society'. It is not Gin's fault that he took this as a sign that he was free to pop in wherever he pleased."
Lmaoooooo babey
"Gin has a thing for small, new-born, baby-looking things. Byakuya found out when they saw a kitten on the roof. For days after that, Gin was seen sporting a kitty on his head. Currently, the kitty is roaming around Seireitei, causing mayhem worthy of his owner."
Idk whether to laugh or go DAWWWWWWWW!
izukillme chapter 2 . 9/17/2019
"Problem is they don't like him. At one point, a mother fox had attempted to bite his arm off when he came near. Byakuya is not good at healing kidou."
I laughed out loud. This is amazing. XD
"Gin's hair used to reach his waist. Then Byakuya got Senbonsakura. And the rest is history."
LITTLE SHIT LMAOOOOOOO Gin with longer hair is so cute to imagine! Also, cute gays! Cutecutecute!
"When he spins said balanced objects, they will heat up. Try it with the tea pot. Byakuya did. Several times."
I love the way you write Byakuya as that sassy bitch he really is. This is my favorite line!
izukillme chapter 1 . 9/17/2019
Okay. Okay fuckfuckfuck I LOVE THIS! Byakuya is SUCH a little shit; fanfics never acknowledge that and I'm so glad you did! "Yamajii" oh my gods hahhahahahhahahha! I love how cute they are. The sheer dearth of GinBya makes me wanna cry, but this fic makes it better :33 Gin, the baby, is so cute :hearts:
Ichshiroidiamond chapter 7 . 7/29/2016
I do really like it,
will you make other FF with this pair again? and I will more happy if Gin is the seme and Byakuya is the uke, _
Paper-Knights chapter 5 . 5/4/2012
-blink blink-

He was meant to be named Snow White?
borninthedarkness chapter 2 . 8/1/2010
If your still doing the drabble thing i like 34 one for gin. Then for byakuya 33.
borninthedarkness chapter 7 . 7/31/2010
I really like this story. I always saw it before and now i finally given it a chance and it was great. Good job.
Noey chapter 4 . 2/25/2009
okay you ficially won my heart and i dont even like yaoi!

but i love both gin and byakuya and i often thought that they would make a strangely good pair! God Job and Please do continue!
Akidou chapter 7 . 2/17/2009
W00t! Lookit that, I scroll down to see my name a the bottom! Schweet. Thank ya for pickin my drabbles!

Well, I was happy to see you updated, These lists were very fun to read, so fun, I reread the rest of em after reading this one. You should be proud to know that you have successfully distracted me. XD I'll keep a look out for your next update, ...OH! and I adored the #28-29 'if he wasn't gay combo'! HA. That put a smile on my face. Great work!
Tsuki Star chapter 6 . 5/29/2008
Gin: 9 and 35

Bya: 9 and 13

I love your story! it rocks. hope u make those stories soon. Ichimaru can do 3 days worth of paperwork in 3 hours? so cool. And the cat at the top of his head for e rest of the week is also such a great idea! XP
roma.tomato chapter 3 . 5/25/2008
This is such an awesomely unique fic, I never thought I'd see one that focused on Gin and Byakuya's relationship. Special love for #29.
Akidou chapter 6 . 5/23/2008
Hey there! It's good to see that even once this story is done, you will continue to write more GinBya fics, because I simply adore this pairing, and I hope to write something for it eventually as well. I loved the lists, but choosing favorites from each was hard. They were both really good! XD But I'd have to say;

For Gin: 18. Romance is personified in Gin when he wants it to.

Because Romantic Gin sounds amazingly appealing, and I hope Byakuya is swept away because of it! XD

For Bya: 19. One of the few things that would make Byakuya slip is a flash of red.

Because I love Gin's eyes, they are fit for a drabble in themselves, but the fact that Byakuya loves them too, well, that's just Awesome. XD
citruschan chapter 5 . 3/17/2008

I read your author notes and your hitting yourself in the face! I think you should keep up with this fic, its really good! I love the cuteness between the two of them *flail* I love the little facts of the two, there adorable!

evhein chapter 5 . 3/8/2008
I would love to read more! I thought all of it was so... i'm not sure whether I should say cute or sweet. and coy sounds like a good word, too... yes, you should definitely continue on with things on Byakuya.

I would love to read it as soon as it's up!
Akidou chapter 5 . 2/17/2008
Keep going! I love this story, uhm, stories? Anyway, Gin/Byakuya is AMAZING and I love it, and I thank you for making a story about it!
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