Reviews for Never Too Late
Guest chapter 32 . 2/8
Loved the story. So well written. Well done
alicia.dantin chapter 32 . 1/24/2017
LexiaMitchell chapter 32 . 5/31/2014
Ommg! I totally appreciated this story! Lol loved ittt!
brianna4797 chapter 32 . 5/17/2014
I loved this! :)
naley12 chapter 32 . 4/14/2014
I just finished reading all the chapters so far in this story. I have to say that it is an awesome story. So I hope you haven't lost interest in it and I would love you to update the next chapter very soon please.
sezzahall chapter 32 . 3/31/2014
Speechless. Amazing.
Guest chapter 32 . 11/11/2013
Well done, I've read half your stories and loved all the ones I've read. x
rheaxoxx chapter 32 . 8/2/2013
love itttt
heather.atw chapter 32 . 5/7/2013
Read this story in less than a day :) amazing writing and what's great was that the emotion that the characters showed made it worthwhile
heather.atw chapter 26 . 5/6/2013
I have a question..which actor do you see as Matt because I need a mental picture of him and I have it but its my fantasy boy...soo...
heather.atw chapter 27 . 5/6/2013
Yay I completely forgot about the tattoo ! So glad to have it mentioned in a story! Finally! And his reaction priceless it was the same as Lucas in the show but with his I felt more anger mainly bc I have an older brother so I felt it, anyway loving this and it's 1am on a school night of ap exams so imagine
heather.atw chapter 25 . 5/6/2013
I'm so loving everything! Except how Matt is like the clueless brother I mean I don't like ppl keeping secrets from him and jake is jake so he doesn't count lol I love him too though...but the whole sibling connection was wonderful ! Taylor and Haley then Nathan and Lucas :)
Legna2 chapter 16 . 3/23/2013
OMR, I'm fangirling so hard right now!
Stampiej chapter 31 . 3/17/2013
Great story. Love the James siblings.
Fineapples chapter 32 . 3/9/2013
OMG I really liked this story... Matt aggravated me a lot though with all his protectiveness and him being an ass most of the whole story. I really liked this story. I might come back and read this story again. I have read a lot of your stories, in fact you are my favourite Naley author! I really like the way your portray the characters emotions through the dialogue, Ive actually cried through every one of your stories at some point. I will always come back and read your stories over and over again. Its almost like watching the show itself! :)
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