Reviews for It's Not Ronald, It's Fred
JC chapter 4 . 1/26/2019
The stairs only turn into a slide to the girls dorm, not the boys
GakuenLME chapter 21 . 4/30/2017
I like how it eluded to Hermione trying to work and Fred distracting her. It's fun cuz it's up to imagination, but funny cuz from Harry’s point of view.
Weasels witch chapter 21 . 3/19/2017
The last sentence wasn't lame at allot was amazingly
Poetically marvellous plus it was the truth as well so
Congratulations for this truly exceptional piece of
Extraordinarily wonderful compassionate essay that's
Deserving of every accolade coming your way also
I'm hoping you keep on writing this type of fan
Fiction as I'll always read review and comment
On any fermions you brilliantly write with so much
Love for Fred weasels I get the feeling he was a
Favourite of yours also thank skinner
Weasleys witch chapter 20 . 3/19/2017
Fred's totally adorable when he's worried sick over her
Although he's just adorable full stop plus smoking hot
Plus hermione,s happy and hopefully laughing at the
Jokes that the twins tell her and narcissi was
Always my favourite along with regulus black she
Didn't realise her drink had been spiked so that
Her loyalties changed that's still hoping
For a wedding for this couple whom have come
Through with flying colours getting out of danger.
I'm giving you one hundred out of one hundr ed
For this magically wonderful brilliant essay on
My two favourite skinner
Weasleys witch chapter 19 . 3/19/2017
Okay it would be better if she was conscious that's
True but it's Fred how can anyone not see he's very
Happy she's not dead even a shame that
He couldn't punch James oh well another tremendous
Story maybe in the future .unfortunately there's
Only two more chapters although I'm hoping you'll
Write some more brilliant fermi one stories as
They're totally sensational in every way the plots
And descriptions places are marvellous you're one
Of a kind unique thank skinner
Weasleys witch chapter 18 . 3/19/2017
Not even Harry should question Fred about some
Things they ought to remain private until he
Chooses to confide heavens they
Arrived in time all three of them I've never counted
Ron as brave or heroic just very cowardly like a
Rat named pet tigress plus he sulks and stuffs his
Face ugh how revolting manners . George will make
A great best man at their wedding as Fred and
Her ions belong together hint really going
To miss your brilliant skinner
Weasels witch chapter 17 . 3/19/2017
Hip hip hooray Fred's right there kissing her like there's
No tomorrow which for voldy there won't be I'm
Stunned as I didn't remember narcissa she really
Did betray Voldemort but he deserved it doing
That to Draco .it wonderful if this
Snogging session could continue for say half a page
Before he can punch James and then return to their
Future together plus a big happy fun filled wedding
For Fred and her ions been incredibly
Brave yet brilliant thank skinner
Weasels witch chapter 16 . 3/19/2017
I've heard about some strange comas but this one
Is very confusing is hermione safe in 1977 or will
She be stuck there tortured by thoughts of Fred
And what might have been I'm hoping that their
Future is together the time for Fred
To find out where her ions is go there punch James
In the face plus give him a black eye he deserves
It never mess with Fred weasley when it comes
To her ions,s safety hell curse again
You're more skinner
Weasleys witch chapter 15 . 3/19/2017
He didn't kill her he was stopped but by whom fumbles
Maybe yet he might be powerful but only the
Marauders know of the tunnels proving that they
Had the upper hand as they didn't tell fumbles
At all saved her ions though it could've
Been a fellow time traveller except she's the only
One there. It's not Harry I'm hoping its Fred come
To save her he's a hero with a heart of solid gold
James does owe her big time I'll work it out.
You' loving skinner
Weasleys witch chapter 14 . 3/19/2017
Well it cannot be mouldy boldly as even he couldn't
Enter hog warts without fumbles knowing let alone
Know hermione,s full name it could be the rat or
Regulus maybe Malloy it's not twisted belay rid I'm
Not sure however my Harry Potter brain is working
Overtime there's so many idiots it could be yet
Whom would threaten her ions that's just very
Stupid she's friends with James ,Sirius,Remus
No one wanted to go against the marauders.
You're Very inspirational yet maddening in
A tremendous potter skinner
Weasleys witch chapter 13 . 3/19/2017
Honestly I'm confused right now I thought the only
Traitor was pettigrew the rat now there was a female
I'm wondering which one of Sirius,s cheap one
Night easy witches betrayed them it's not bell atria
She was one of the first death eaters however
Hermione,s not the brightest witch of her age for
No reason she's absolutely not sure
About Marlene she could've turned but she was to
Cowardly I thoroughly an exceptional
Clever skinner loloud
Weasels witch chapter 12 . 3/19/2017
So now hermione,s in trouble all because of a ghost
Whom changed his timing honestly why doesn't
James come clean it might save him from Fred's
Anger which will be worse than Lily's although
They're both redheads so it's going to be two
Furious bloody minded redheads getting even
Thankfully dumbest will be able to help out
Hermione once she tells him everything she's
Very honest andwhen she finds a way watch out
Weasleys witch chapter 11 . 3/19/2017
Fred would forgive her ions anything at all he's so
Completely in love with the brightest witch of her age
When he finds out what James got his witch and
Involved in hell kill him plus apologise to her ions
As he really lost his redheads temper over nothing
That important sorry James your not as important as
Fred he's very special that slithering girl is an idiot
If she thinks she could ever replace hermione with
you please have Fred transported to1977andpunch skinner
Weasleys witch chapter 10 . 3/19/2017
Why would Fred kiss a slithering witch as they're not
Really that attractive plus her ions not around to get
Jealous if at all not even regulus thought the witches
In slithering were interesting. Fred get a hold of
Your emotions and please transport him soon so
That everyone can forget what he did it's unnatural
Yet he's so very good at being a tiny bit devious
It's charming though underhanded James would
Definitely approve of Fred weasels an honorary
Weasleys witch chapter 9 . 3/19/2017
Never let it be said that James would stand in the way
Of true love for these two new lovebirds hell clear
Everything up which will then get Fred helping him
Out as well although it mightn't take that long Lily's
Already jealous .please bring Fred into the past. Very
Soon as they need him he's so much like his uncle
Fabian it's uncanny and it will help lily play a prank
On James and turn him jealous as Fred is quite the
Much sought after handsome wizard whom is a catch
For a totally skinner
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