Reviews for Beautiful Boy
Sami chapter 15 . 2/23/2017
How could you leave this story as is? It deserves a better fate than simply withering away...
MLN chapter 15 . 11/30/2009
great story so far. I hope you continue it. I wonder if Gil will be going back home with Sara or will he have to stay away?
anonymouscsifan chapter 1 . 8/14/2009
I've been periodically checking the status if this story and wonder if you plan on continuing really is a good story. I hope you post something soon...either an update or message that it's on hiatus.
Gregalicious chapter 15 . 5/6/2009
jade40 chapter 15 . 4/14/2009
update soon lol
gsrRINs chapter 15 . 3/21/2009
just tried reading this since i'm not really into A/U...but surprise. surprise for me! this is really good! couldnt stop reading til the last chapter! i hope you'll continue and finish this story and make lots of readers happy:)
Cyberteg chapter 15 . 3/2/2009
PLEASE... You have to finish this story... even if it is just a cursory ending chapter. The story was going so well... please don't let ur inspiration evaporate!
JamieStuart chapter 15 . 2/8/2009
Please upload as fast as u can! And don't spotp writing this! I love it way to much! :)
RPW chapter 15 . 2/6/2009
:D Thank you! That was wonderful! More, i would like MORE!
anonymouscsifan chapter 15 . 2/6/2009
*claps hands* That was great! I was so happy when I saw you updated! It made my day! I feel so bad for Grissom...but at least he is okay now and Sara is with him.

I can't wait until your next chapter update. Please post soon!
lostladyknight chapter 15 . 2/6/2009
I read what you had of this ages ago. (I think all the way back in '07. It's a great story and you have no idea how excited I am that you've updated!

You going to finish it?

I sure hope so. :)
Deliberatee chapter 15 . 2/6/2009
Ah. It's like some weird series of unfortunate events for Gris. Wait...reconstructive surgery? Does that mean he's face is, um, a little different? I sure hope he gets to use his hand again...P
tmschmitt chapter 15 . 2/6/2009
I got so excited to see an update. Love it, please continue soon. Keep up the great work and may your muse continue to inspire you to the fullest and ideas rolling. Have a great day/night.
gayarm-agron chapter 15 . 2/6/2009
Wow! I didn't expect him to die from a simple beating, but I guess he did... Thank you for finally updating!

I hope the next one comes soon :)
ELM22 chapter 15 . 2/6/2009
Awesome! I was about to PM you and find out when you were continuing:) Poor Gil you feel so bad for him:( Can you imagine that though, if you walked through the door like Sara and his first words to were, "I just died." I don't know how I would be able to take that. Good chapter, hope you do another soon. Peace out. -Esther
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