Reviews for More Than Useless
caicaivilu13 chapter 2 . 8/22
Hola! Desde el 2020 apestado, te saludo xD
omite lo anterior.
Se que está abandonado, pero encontré muy entretenida tu perspectiva, y no pude evitar comenzar a leer.
Gracias por haber escrito esto.
Celeste Verteidiger chapter 11 . 12/15/2018
I love this more than the revised one!
SoraMalfoySlythern chapter 10 . 7/31/2015
personally I like this one and your new story version. Both makes good story's of there own :D
Aire5 chapter 3 . 5/21/2014
DeathEaterGal chapter 11 . 12/17/2013
Hi I know that you've made a new story and I've read it and this one. I must say I'm very impressed by your work and I hope that you add some of the time with there father into the next one! I'm going to make a request from you which you don't have to do or anything but I was wondering if you could make a story with a slash of Sub Harry/Dom Inuyashas father?
(Can't remember his game -_-*) please consider it and hopefully you'll update your other story soon, though I really like this on especially the Koga and Ainu pairing ;)
Anyhow bye bye for now :D
bleachdreamer0 chapter 11 . 8/18/2013
I've read wasted, or at least what you have of it so far, and I have to say, I like how you did more than useless better. Please don't take this story down. You don't have to update it, but it is a little piece of literature gold.
watch who you piss off chapter 11 . 8/19/2012
if it makes you feel better, i happen to like this story better than wasted. it's not that you haven't improved or whatnot, but this one just makes a lot more sense than the other one.
Please stay in character chapter 5 . 6/19/2012
While I like this story I'd kinda like to put Kagome's reaction to the whole Kikyou think into perspective. Pretty much from the very begin of the series Inuyasha openly compares her to Kikyou and loudly says how Kikyou was better looking, stronger, and smells better. He also kisses Kikyou at least once after she was brought back and swore to go to hell with her. Now, Kagome was taking back in time against her will (at first) nearly killed numerous times and then after Inuyasha tells her how bad she is at using a bow and arrow she ties part of a demon that consatntly regenerates (because of the jewel) to one of her arrows and shoots it at the demon because it would be drawn to the demon and then in the process shatters the jewel. After this she takes responsiblity for that and agrees to go find the jewel shards. Most people would not do that particularly if they have no real training.

As for the thing with the clothes Kagome did try to wear/get more appropriate clothing for that time period, but Inuyasha insisted it was a waste of time and to just use the clothes she had. And at the begin of the series she did at one point wear miko garments, but Inuyasha yelled at her and told her to take them off.

As a slight side note Kagome tends not to screech she tends to either get scarily calm or yell depending on the occasion. I'd also like you to take into account that Kagome is going around with only part of her soul simply because Inuyasha wants Kikyou around and I'm rather surprised she isn't in a coma after all the only reason Kikyou is able to move around is because she is stealing souls and even if Kagome caries the larger part of their soul it would still cause problems.

Anyway I don't particularly mind you bashing Kagome, but I'd prefer it was more realistic.

(P.S. sorry for the bad spelling and grammar mistakes I was in a hurry to write it all down and I don't have time to check it)
forestreject chapter 8 . 5/25/2012
Lol. Why did you have to be shirtless in order to do the spell?
Frostfire613 chapter 9 . 10/31/2011
lol the ending was hilarious :D love the friendship goin on, though kagome is being a bitch...
DarkFlameInfernal chapter 11 . 8/9/2011
love it
Ciekawa Osoba chapter 11 . 1/30/2011
This is amazing, please keep both versions up!
Timme chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
Harry is encouraging Remus to move on from his lover? Pushy brat; Sirius just died, so what if Remy wants to mourn and love him? Tonks liking him doesn't mean the feelings need to be returned. Probably not a healthy relationship considering the circumstances.
TJBanana chapter 11 . 7/29/2010
huhu already reading wasted... but i didn't think this story was so bad... but i think it's kewl you just start it new instead of letting go of the story idea.

just hope you won't delete this one ;P see ya

xXxOtAkU-444xXx chapter 11 . 7/28/2010
this link doesn't go anywhere
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