Reviews for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Final Battle
Mustard Lady chapter 7 . 3/8/2019
I hated that Will had to leave, but at least they'll see each other again. Must have been hard for Jack to let Lily go, after they've been together for so long! I felt sad for them especially.

Naughty Jack! You and Elizabeth seriously need to get married! Just imagine, Mrs. Jack Sparrow. Has a nice ring to it, savvy?
Mustard Lady chapter 6 . 3/8/2019
I cried when Will died. I did not see it coming! And Jack gave up his thirst for immortality to save his friend. That was great.

I think we can all agree that it was so satisfying to see Beckett defeated, once and for all!

Jack, you missed yur sister's wedding! How could you?
Mustard Lady chapter 5 . 3/8/2019
Another good chapter.
Mustard Lady chapter 4 . 3/7/2019
I do wish Norrington hadn't been killed in the movie. I know he cared about Elizabeth, but I wish he was able to find another sweet girl to love, because I do feel he would make a good husband. He died a noble death, like the brave, gallant soldier that he was.
Mustard Lady chapter 3 . 3/7/2019
I'm glad Jack at least spoke to Elizabeth. I figured that's why he ended up forgiving her: they're pirates, who do whatever it takes to survive.

Uh, yeah, Barbossa, she's still afraid of you! Duh! Can you seriously blame her? I was hoping his death experience would have rubbed off on him the way you mentioned, but he still hasn't admitted yet that what he did to her back then was wrong.
Mustard Lady chapter 2 . 3/6/2019
Good to have Jack and Lily back together!
Mustard Lady chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
I wonder what the first exchange was between Lily and Barbossa when they agreed to work together to get Jack. Yeah, I don't like Sao Feng very much anyway.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/1/2013
Great I love lily to bits but you should make her mad at barbossa again and have her got the next one John jack to the fountain of youth it would be cool
Zenappa chapter 7 . 9/2/2011
Another fab story of the Lily & Jack series! It was so much fun to read and I sincerely hope you write more soon! Very well written indeed! Loves it! Long live Sparrabeth!
TheCafeBean chapter 7 . 6/28/2010
Loved it. Great work. Yay for Sand Sex. On to reading the sequel...
nicole10493 chapter 7 . 8/2/2008
:') Aw...I almost cried at the bit with Lily and Will. lol.

LMFAO! I loved how you mentioned "No boot sex. instead, you get SAND SEX." XD XD XD LOL! very creative and unique! meaning, I LOVE IT! XD

On to the sequel, then!

Ciao, bella!

nicole10493 chapter 4 . 8/1/2008
awesome story so far.
Symbioticdeath chapter 7 . 2/2/2008
very nice luv. ...maybe a sequal?
Lady Barbossa329 chapter 7 . 1/29/2008
Yeah! Great chapter! I can't wait for a sequel! Great story!
Lutherian chapter 7 . 1/28/2008
Nice ending. That's the way it should have been.
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