Reviews for A HalfBreed's Redemption?
qtgirl chapter 15 . 4/12/2009
Bo! Cole should not fall for anyone else! Again I say BO!
Aswen chapter 15 . 5/10/2008
I love this story so much! Can't wait to dive into the sequel!
Bridgette Potter chapter 1 . 4/25/2008
Great story! I loved it! Nice characters. I haven't watched all the seasons or episodes so I don't know much about Charmed but this is great as far as I know.

PD-Mrs. H
MAD DOGG chapter 15 . 4/13/2008
hey a guud way to end then storie lol n 3 sets of 3 well that definatley differnet with that much power at there dissposal it would be pretty stupid for any demon 2 go up against them lol but how ever i still think that in the next storie you should leave it the same with the girls jst bein pregnant and then take it from there and mayb show off sum cool powers along the way sum orginal and sum new and i will of course try to help in that department lol plus anything else you wud like my input on lol

keep up tha brilliant work and i look forward to the next storie

kcbelles chapter 15 . 4/13/2008
What a fantastic story! Thank you so much for bringing Cole back to the fold in a way that makes it more than OK - closure with his past with Phoebe and ready to move on as part of the Charmed circle, where he should've always been, in my opinion. I've read other fan fics where they tried to do the same but it involved "getting rid of Coop" which just didn't sit right. For not having seen all of the seasons, as you stated in the beginning, you did a fabulous job of tying everything up together. And I also loved your "new characters" - Maria, Telane, the monk, and of course, Lillith. I look so forward to reading your sequel. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Man, this would so make for a great continuation of the series...
atlan2007 chapter 15 . 4/13/2008
A very nice ending to a great story. I really like the characterizations of Piper, Cole and Lillith. I am glad that poor Cole will have Lillith even if he cannot figure out why she stays! :)

as for the sequel is the Trinity supposed to refer to Piper's 3 kids or all of the next generation. If it is all wouldn't you need a term for 9 like P3 cubed?
Joleca chapter 15 . 4/13/2008
What a wonderful way to end this one (although I wish it could go on forever).. I have to say I so loved this story..

and Cole really is an "innocent" for someone who knows and has seen so much he knows so very little of the world and of really being human.. Please don't every let him change!

I can't wait read your sequel... please, please post soon..
MAD DOGG chapter 14 . 4/11/2008
dats a bit cruel lol wot u did 2 cole very funny though lol

not a bad fight scene though n a liked that u keep using my sugestion

are u goin 2 b doin mor on this or are u goin 2 do a sequel lol

atlan2007 chapter 14 . 4/10/2008
An excellent battle with a couple of unexpected twists! I didn't see the Hera from Piper to Cole coming. I am glad to see Cole redeemed and a happy conclusion(well almost). I will look forward to the finale and whatever sequel you have planned.
WellxWisher chapter 13 . 4/6/2008
I'm excited for the battle!
atlan2007 chapter 13 . 4/5/2008
First off if you have an idea for a sequel I say go for it.

This was a good chapter to set up the showdown with Lamia. I am glad Piper is wearing the crown and will be very interested to see if she has the goddess powers from S5 or something different.

Nice job on resolving the Prue situation.

I like the way you are writing the Piper-Lillith-Cole interaction. It was amusing for Cole to be jealous of Lillith's old father figure.

I am looking forward to the battle. Keep up the good work!
MAD DOGG chapter 12 . 4/1/2008
hey mint chapter done lol keep up tha excellent work and where did the name Asmodai come from lol
atlan2007 chapter 12 . 3/30/2008
Excellent update, I like the continuing character development with Cole, Lillith and their relationship with Piper. The part with Cole /Wyatt/Lillith was nice as well.I loved Piper's "QUIET!" to the other Ps. I now see why Telane was doing what she did. The Aymans are an interesting concept.

I am wondering if Piper will end up wearing the Crown of Hera and going into goddess mode ala S5.

Keep up the good work and I hope you feel better.
Joleca chapter 12 . 3/30/2008
Have I mentioned before how much I'm loving this story?

“You’ve been amazing me at every turn lately Cole. Redemption suits you well.” Piper commented and Cole looked at her with a surprised expression of his own.

and I am so loving Cole! (of course I always have, and I love him the best when he's good).

can't wait to read more... Hope you're feeling better now and please update soon... and, yes, of course we forgive you! your health (and school) always come first (we may think we're more important, but we're not... we're just greedy).
Charmedelicious chapter 11 . 3/15/2008
c'mon when you gonna update i really love this story
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