Reviews for Second Sight
Guest chapter 19 . 10/1/2016
This was as fantastic as the first story. Thank you so much for this wonderfully written AU. The characters feel so natural in this setting and these stories you've put them in. I have really enjoyed reading them! -
SunGokuSanzo chapter 19 . 12/15/2015
Oh, why?! Why did you leave off on a cliffhanger? Now I'm gonna plead with you to write another one, please? This is just so good and incredible and amazing and phenomenal and well-written and interesting and arresting that I just wanna find out what happens next. Yes, I'm gushing... but this fic deserves to be gushed over! I hope you get this and decided to write, but if not, I will enjoy rereading these again sometime. Bye.
Smexy Kitten chapter 19 . 4/15/2013
Once again you've floored me with your fantastic writing, suspenseful storyline and incredible imagination! I loved this story just as much as I did its predecessor. I can only hope that this cliffhanger ending is the foundation for a third story in this exciting and addictive series. Again, thank you for this awesome ride and I hope to read more from you in the future :D
KaKashiisWifey chapter 19 . 5/7/2011
...another cliffy?
KaKashiisWifey chapter 18 . 5/7/2011 beautiful..T_T
KaKashiisWifey chapter 16 . 5/7/2011
smh..and that's what happens when you mess w/ Hakkai..Hank...him!
KaKashiisWifey chapter 10 . 5/7/2011
ayyyyy...that's what I'm talking about cody! LEGGOO!...Sam will be so proud.
Starfool chapter 19 . 3/6/2011
Wow, I loved this. It's really, really good. I hope you'll decide to do a sequel, if the ending is any indication.
Pom Rania chapter 19 . 3/5/2011
So okay, good story!
Pom Rania chapter 17 . 3/5/2011
I had to reread the previous chapter to remember what was happening in this story, but this was a nice chapter. Hakkai's always been my favourite character, and he seems to be well written in this AU; withholding final judgment until I read the rest of the chapters you've uploaded lately, because there's always a chance something can go completely wrong, but I'm cautiously optimistic.
Pagemistress89 chapter 19 . 3/5/2011
Oh wow you finally updated! And finished it! Granted, it feels kind of rushed, but I really don't care! It's finished! Yay! thank you, thank you, thank you!

I do like the ending, though-especially how Sam actually shows appreciation for Cody's present. That part had me kind of worried, with the way Sanzo is. But you did it really well!

Thanks again for not giving up!
lonte chapter 19 . 3/5/2011
Thanks for finishing the story. Totally excited to see the notifications in my email this morning. Glad to know you didn't abandon it. As for the ending, i guess it wraps everything up? It could use another sequel *hinthint* but it's okay if that doesn't happen.
rupert maxwell chapter 19 . 3/5/2011
*grin* glad to see you update this piece. Completed it even. Well done! And Cody is just too cute for his own good.

PS: anymore sequel? ;p
keigetsu chapter 15 . 12/20/2009
This and "All That's Left" are great stories; you wouldn't believe how excited I was when you started on this one, and since it's been well over a year since I first started reading "All That's Left", I think I owe at least one review.

To start, I love how you take aspects from the Saiyuki story and warp them to fit your own. What you take is easily identifiable, and yet you do not mirror the manga/anime completely, leaving room for speculation and surprise. For example, in this chapter I found myself wondering whether it would be Sam or Hank to come to Joe's rescue. You easily use modernization to change events from Saiyuki that do not fit in our world (such as Brad's urban/suburban speech in place of Banri's youkai/human speech), which smooths over the edges between your story and Saiyuki's very nicely. I never would have thought that I'd enjoy a Saiyuki fic set in our time, but I like where you're going with this, so please keep up the good work :) updates are nice!

The only sort of constructive criticism (spelling/grammar yay!) that I can think of is that "had, had" does not require a comma. There are also a few instances throughout the story where you've used the wrong spelling of a word (homonym/homophone) which may or may not have been typos/tired mistakes.

To reiterate: keep it up, update when possible, and also thanks for two great stories!
Pagemistress89 chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
Updates are good,

Updates are nice.

I'd like an update

Even more than some rice.

Okay, so that's a horrible poem, but the sentiment is real! Please, please, please, please update! I've been waiting so patiently, and I'd really like that patience to be rewarded!
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