Reviews for 30 Kisses ScoreHelaine
guest chapter 13 . 1/5/2010
aw thats pweti cute. you should write more.
Jinke chapter 10 . 3/8/2009
O.O That surprised me :x Hermione
Jinke chapter 7 . 3/8/2009
I thought you just made that disease up xD until I looked it up on Google :x AKA the kissing disease lol
Jinke chapter 2 . 3/8/2009
I hope the wine glass isn't really expensive if they're going to break it :x
Jinke chapter 1 . 3/8/2009
I agree :) Diadem does need more fans. Cute chapter
Melissa chapter 9 . 2/7/2009
I thought this story was excellent. It was absolutely hilarious. Great job, I hope you write more like this. I would definately read them.
3SavageSkillets chapter 13 . 12/20/2008
Hey this chapter made me giggle hysterically, i thought i already reviewed this but i guess not, so please update as soon as physically possible, I am dying for another chapter!
Helen Rose chapter 1 . 11/24/2008
HAHA so funny i like it :) anyways you r right diadem needs more fans! a lot of more fans! do you know when the next book is going to come out?
methonite chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
lol helarious. I love Score! The first recent updated Diadem story in a long time!
Twilightfreak chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
I've never even met another person who's read Diadems...I love the series (I've only read 1-6). I love the Helaine and Score couple. Your oneshot is wonderful.
3SavageSkillets chapter 11 . 11/3/2008
ah that was just to sweet i was giggling and smiling through the whole thing, there truly are not enough score helaine stories in the world of fanfiction.
Serena Eva chapter 2 . 10/24/2008
oh my god! i totally remember this series! i used to read it over and over again!

this is really well written and is making me all nostalgiac and sque!

*scurries off to see if she can find her old copies of the books*
3SavageSkillets chapter 6 . 9/16/2008
wow friggin intense chappie, update asap
Half-elf chapter 5 . 8/19/2008
You're absolutely correct, there aren't enough Diadem stories here and definately not enough about Score and Helaine. These are a lot of fun to read and I think you've done exceptionally well at keeping them both in character. Great job and I would love to read some more.
diadem15 chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
great story Score and Helaine forever
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