Reviews for Vampire Kiss
CARO chapter 35 . 3/16
moira81 chapter 35 . 2/21/2016
I Love this story!

I was looking for a good Escaflowne story and a got so much more! Mythology, Angst, Friendship, great charactaters that were difficult to Hate and, of course, a great Love story so beautiful that it will always stay with me.

Thanks for creating this gem and for leaving it here for us to find!
hinata's hime chapter 35 . 10/5/2015
it was I good story really unexpected twist I loved the ending
PixxieHolloww chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
Hi! Wow, I first finished reading this in 2011 and re-reading it almost four years later, it's still such an amazing ride for me. I wrote an /extremely/ long review for this when I first finished and going through it again, my thoughts are still the same. This was absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much.
dinkycharlie chapter 35 . 12/18/2014
Hey there!

I have to admit, I wasn't sure about your story and it took me a few chapters to get into it. But when you added this ancient Greek story line you totally got me! It wasn't about Escaflowne anymore, I actually forgot that this was supposed to be a Escaflowne fanfic. I loved your writing skills, they're beautiful and sensitive and they drag you into this story so much! I'm not sure whether this vampire-bloodsucking thing was really necessary? Maybe it would have worked without it? Anyways, I loved and enjoyed reading it very much!
kmmgirly chapter 35 . 10/30/2014
This has been an amazing story to read. I've absolutely loved every bit of it. And who would've thought that I'd actually not hate Hades at the end? I actually was hoping for some kind of happy ending for him. You're so nice to have given him that. Awww, I love Hitomi/Persephone and Van. I love how you incorporated the Greek Mythology in it. They are so wonderful together. It was awesome! This is definitely one of my top 10 favorite fics that I've read. Ja ne
Skatora chapter 7 . 6/14/2014
I really like Hitomi's mental (and physical) transformation in this chapter; I went through a similar "I'm SO done with how I dress and act" epiphany when I was in my second year of college, so I could really relate.

The mystery surrounding Van is extremely intriguing! He's not a vampire; he can walk in daylight! This is really excellent, I can't wait until the mystery is solved!
Skatora chapter 5 . 6/13/2014
Whoa! To be completely honest, I was a little skeptical about this fic; I thought it was going to be about Hitomi running around trying to collect evidence that Van was a vampire, while Van is trying to tell her to stay away. It reminded me of the plot of Twilight, and I was worried.

But this chapter changed everything around! I like how Van basically said, "I don't want to hurt you, but I want you. And it's better if I hurt you than let the other guy do it!" That's much more accurate than the ever popular dark romance conception that if occult guys REALLY loved their girls, they would try to stay away at all costs. Seriously, where is the logic in that?

Anyway, that kiss was amazing! Van isn't a vampire (or at least not a traditional one. Please don't sparkle!), but he HAS to have some other occult relation. My prediction is that Hitomi has latent occult powers, and meeting Van (who is also an occult being) has somehow triggered them? Let's see!

Onward to the next chapter!
Skatora chapter 2 . 6/13/2014
Interesting so far. One nitpicky thing: You said Hitomi looked through a microscope several more times while on the roof. I'm not very familiar with observatories, but I'm fairly certain that there's usually only telescopes, not microscopes up there.
bluetreeleaves chapter 35 . 8/23/2013
I've always been a fan of you. It's been a while that I've had time to really catch up on reading. As always, you start with something so simple and make it excitingly full. And that's exactly what this story is: FULL. You tie everything together perfectly every single time in every single story. I admire writers who freely put time into their writing to show their love for storytelling. You've got a gift marvelous gift.

Thank you for writing this. I know it is a bit dated, but I wanted you to know that I have enjoyed every single hour reading this piece of art. You took so many elements (Grecian mythos, Escaflowne, everyday college life in the modern world) and wove them together like a tapestry. I am completely in awe of your talent as a writer. I wish you all the best in anything to write. You really don't need my encouragement, I'm sure, because you probably have many other readers drooling at your feet. :) Weird imagery, but it seemed fitting.

Thanks again for this masterpiece of fiction. It was beautiful.

Cane el Lindo Gatito chapter 35 . 3/3/2013
that was a great story.
sorry if this isn't the most amazing review of all, but here it is.
Dacciana chapter 35 . 2/22/2013
oh, i love your story, thanx for writing it
Melissa chapter 35 . 9/16/2012
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This story is so much better than so many novels I have read... If you haven't considered a career writing, do so. The world will be missing out if you never write a book.

One other thing, I think you'll be amused by this... I was in bed reading the scene where Persep. Is finally realizing who she is, where Hades first takes her when I literally SCREAMED "IT'S PERSEPHONE!". My husband was not amused

Keep writing !
Heidilynn08 chapter 35 . 6/10/2012
I really do like this story. So detailed and informative. Its completed and you put so much effort into it.

Im not to fond of the fact about Hitomi not really technically being the main character. Im still not too sure what went on there when you said she is still Hitomi but not.

But you did an amazing job. Keep it up!
qui chapter 35 . 4/13/2012
.YOU. You made 2 of my favorite things to read about have sex and produce this wonderful baby. If you wrote this with your hands first, I would keep them in a jar after you've passed. I won't be able to stop gushing about how how much I love you and this and it will just keep getting weirder. Don't stop writing! If you do, I really will have to preserve you.
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