Reviews for It hurts
daddy's girl chapter 2 . 8/2/2011
OMG indeed.
the upward glance chapter 5 . 11/12/2010
I liked that story a lot. I love Tyler, well I love Chace Crawford hehe And I enjoyed your characterization of him. Lots of yummy angst. I couldn't really hate Reid...he seemed to me to have borderline personality disorder here, especially the scene in which he manipulated Tyler into allowing him to fuck him. Poor Baby Boy...well you wrote the rape lemon very well, as with the rest of the story. You write Tyler's POV great. I liked the ending, even though it was abrupt. It was tender yet not entirely happy. It wasn't that dark of a fic in my opinion! Then again, I have a rather twisted view of that. Hehe Anyway, great work _

anneryn7 chapter 5 . 1/21/2010
that was sweet of reid, but he is still a bitof an ass.

sometimes storied cna't have happy endings, they seem more realistic that way. thanks for posting your fic! SO GOOD!

anneryn7 chapter 4 . 1/21/2010
it would have been nice of reid to be a bit gentler with tyler, dang. BUT if he had, then it wouldn't be the same story, and i wouldn't change it for anything! LOL


anneryn7 chapter 3 . 1/21/2010
now that you mention it, yeah. i comepletely agree! tyler must be a lot more powerful than he is given credit for.

&& brilliant chapter! :D
anneryn7 chapter 2 . 1/21/2010
still loving this!

a short, but fantastic chapter!
anneryn7 chapter 1 . 1/21/2010
very intriguing, off to read the rest!
Delais chapter 4 . 11/10/2009
I loved it.

Your amazing.

I love stories like this, but this is the best from those what I read already.

I love TylerxReid pairing, and I was bored with the amorous Covenant slash stories.

Thanks for publishing.
Eri 'n' Ali chapter 5 . 9/11/2009
...OMFG! You so need a sequel to this fic! So, so definitely! Can't wait to read the rest of your fics!

Have A Nice Day,

Aliyah Dakota

xxFuturistico chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
Uhm, I meant Hugo Boss. Not Huge. . . That just sounds a bit dirty.
xxFuturistico chapter 5 . 7/21/2009
I hope you have some fluffy stuff I can read after this! Poor Ty. I love that kid. (Yes I did call him Kid even though he's older than me, I call eeryone Kid.) Rape is not cool. At all. So I really don't know why I loved this story so much. Not in the 'Hahaha!' sort of way but in the emotionally connected way. I have never been sexually harrassed, but what you explained through Tyler seems about right. No one really knows unless they've been through it though.

It makes you wonder what the fuck is going through Reids head. If you ask me. he's emotionally tortured also, much like Ty but not for the same reasons, obviously. Everyone seems to have Reid built up to be this intense badass slacker, so that pushes him to act like an asshole. That's what pushed him to this breaking point. I don't know, that's just my opinion. If you want to reply and tell me what you thought while writing this that'll be peachy.

So without further writing a humongo reveiw, I just want to say; HUGE BOSS IS AMAZING! I know a guy that uses it and I always give him hugs because he smells so damn good. Luckily he's my best friend so it's not creepy.

Now I shall go creep your profile for some Reid/Tyler fluff, since you're such a spectacular author.
PreviouslyDead chapter 5 . 5/12/2009

That was sog good, it wasn't sugercoated and Ried acted exactly like id expect him to which is a feat in itself because in every stroy iv read, no one has managed to capture his character as well as this, well done, and i mean that from the bottom of my stunned heart, if you contine this i'll be really happy, if you dont? its still a perfectly good story.
Lost in the wing of angels chapter 5 . 4/26/2009
NO that can't be the end! NO!
llallyjohnsonll chapter 1 . 2/3/2009
I'm confused...whose gay? haha...Is Reid? or is he just one of those explorative drunks.
let me in from the rain chapter 1 . 11/17/2008
See, this is me keeping my promise

So, you know I adore your writing and you know I only read your covenant stories. Of all three this one’s my favorite. I’m probably using some meaningless phrases now without knowing it cause I’m not used to give this kinda feedback. Well, you’ll live.

So, atmosphere *grins* it kinda send shivers down your spine, makes you feel the despair, the fear. You know it’s like listening to a really sad but beautiful song, like dunno, Damien Rice’s 9 crimes. The whole thing is written so intensively that you’re able to sympathize with the characters and actually I’m not only talking about poor tyler here but about reid, too since you wrote him all twisted.

Oh, and I loved the scene in chapter 2. This whole just-wanted-to-see-your-pretty-face-while-i-jack-off-thing *grins*

Nearly forgot to comment on chapter 4, my favorite one. Does that make me weird? Guess it does, whatever.

I’m not sure if I ever told you how, dunno, maybe grateful I am that you write sex scenes in such an aesthetical way. If I shouldn’t have told you before, now you know. To sum it up, I love this story and you know I wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t true.

Oh and after mentioning chapter 4 I do have to mention chapter 5, too

I like the fact that it didn’t end with some ‘omg, what have I done, I’m so sorry, please, will you forgive me’- talk

Also like that reid would at least give him some kinda subtle comfort

Yeah, I know, this review h as no structure, did keep my promise though ;P
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