Reviews for When the Last Snow Falls
Sapphire-luna232 chapter 1 . 9/30/2010
So, this is kind of a mega-review (but not in the long sense, just in the reviewing-many-fics-in-one sense), because it would take forever to review each fic I have comments on individually, so you just get the mega-review. :)

You certainly like the occasional OC, but that's not a bad thing. Some of us just aren't creative enough to come up with our own characters- we play with the ones that already exist. .

Favorite lines:

*&$ it Link! Wake up!"

"Pay no attention to the men in the closet."

"Kids try stuff all the time," Arthur Weasley jokes, "I guess parenthood is the new fad."

Other misc. comments:

puppy!Sirius is unbelievably adorable.

I looked up all the Josie & The Pussycats songs because I recognized the lyrics to Pretend to Be Nice. I haven't listened to these songs in YEARS.

On the music note, one of the only CDs my Mom has at our house that she regularly plays on our stereo is Sarah Mclachlan, so the Angel song was hauntingly familiar. I had to look that one up and listen to it, too.

Bill as a "little one" makes me laugh. It's also adorable. But not as adorable as puppy!Sirius.

Not sure whether it was a typo or not, but I liked how you wrote "Where is Fred and George", like they're just one person, and not two. _ Made me smile.

And now to be fair... . You can obviously track my stories down through my username. I'm not sure how interesting they'll be/how much sense they'll make if you haven't played Tales of Symphonia (if you shouldn't, you should; I think you'd like the game), but you're welcome to look through them anyway. Just prepare yourself for massive FLUFF.

Have a great weekend (enjoy the Disney store), and see you UP on campus next thurs. ;)

AnotherHPF chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
I loved the end. The drama made it better. The story kind of sounded like it was based around 1895 (just a random modern year were the girls didn't have a choice who they married) and not centered around the time of the books were based around but that's only my opinion. I only read it because horcruxfinder told me too...and we usually have the same taste in reading styles. Really good job.

HorcruxFinder chapter 1 . 12/26/2007
I absolutly loved that story. Your really know you're Harry Potter, too. I've never heard anyone else who knows who Mandy Brocklehurst is. I read your story because my last name is very close to Finley, but I really did like it. You captured the heirarchial society perfectly. Good job!