Reviews for Target: Green Arrow
malugargula chapter 25 . 5/12/2013
This fic is amazing
I almost had heart attacks reading some of your mean cliffhangers lol
Blonde-Existentialist chapter 25 . 12/14/2011
I like that this story didn't try and bring in a number of different plot points but started with one solid story idea and carried it and the characters through to the end. Or the ending of this chapter. Brutal for Oliver sure, but it was a kidnapping so to be expected. My one surprise was that you didn't bring into it Chloes meteor powers, as that was end of S6.
JayJay015 chapter 2 . 3/13/2011
Nicely done. I love that you've stayed true to their personalities. I can actually hear them having this conversation. Great job.
JayJay015 chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
This is only the second Chloe/Oliver fic I've read but so far I'm loving it. You really know how to capture your audience. Hoping for some ChloeOliver goodness soon, but if the rest of your story is as good as the beginning, I'm willing to wait... A little while at least :)
DarkRose2006 chapter 8 . 12/17/2010
Hey! I decided it was time to re-read the stories, because it's been a long time since I've read them. I just wanted to let you know I noticed a slight discrepency between this chapter and the last. Last chapter, you stated that Oliver's noose was tied to his hands, but this chapter you said it was secured to his feet. I just thought I would let you know!

~DarkRose2006 -'-
Ava23 chapter 25 . 7/18/2010
This story was riveting. You had me from the beginning and I would have read it all in one sitting if I could have. Unfortunately little things like work got in the way (I confess I snuck in a chapter or two at work)

So many wonderful twist and turns. I didn't trust Carly coming to save Oliver, but then you had him questioning like I was, so I thought maybe there was a chance, but as soon as he was easily able to leave, I felt it was a trick. And what a cruel trick! I felt so bad for Oliver. Even though I knew you weren't going to kill him, I was very worried about what would happen to him and I am still concerned about his emotional state now that he's freed.

I loved that everyone was quite intelligent and skilled. It made things a lot more tense, because I couldn't predict when they would get a break. In fact it was only a stroke of luck that Clark happened to overhear the information at the right time. Even though it was a stroke of luck, it wasn't something that came out of nowhere, rather, it fit perfectly into the story and the characters. Clark going to see Lex for information about Chloe is EXACTLY what he would do and Lex has no way of knowing that Clark has super hearing. Well done.

I couldn't help but notice the 'ONE casualty' at the warehouse. I won't be surprised if Stadler shows up again. He's a terribly evil villain you've created and quite the challenge. I don't want to sound blood thirsty, but I would like Oliver to kill a purely accidental, self defense situation of course ;o)

Chlollie's first kiss was so emotional and passionate and tense and even beautiful. I loved that moment and I do love how you ended on them curled up together. Who do I have to pay to get that on my screen in season 10?

Poor A.C. I'm so glad there is a sequel waiting for me. Off to read that now.
lilia44540 chapter 25 . 6/9/2010
really really really good story!
justimaginex chapter 1 . 2/21/2010
You have done an amazing job with this story. I can't wait to read the sequels and I'm definitely going to do that right now. The way you write the dialogue fits the characters perfectly. I have always been an Oliver/Chloe shipper. Although I know it's highly unlikely that it will ever actually happen. ):

But regardless. It's an amazing story. I've finished this first part in two days. Just because I'm so excited to see what would happen. So once I get them all read, which will probably be very soon, I will definitely be keeping up. Amazing work. (:
AllisonSwan chapter 25 . 8/29/2009
Just read it and i absolutely loved it
DarkRose2006 chapter 25 . 4/23/2009
Wow! Great story! I loved it! Very good. I just love stories with good torture, and I was very pleased with how things played out. I'm excited to read the sequels! _
Delylah chapter 25 . 12/26/2008
Great story...I can't wait to read the sequel. :)
milkyway22 chapter 7 . 11/16/2008
I'm loving the story so far!

And really who doesn't like angst?

Or maybe I'm just a little twisted. lol

Anyways I can't wait to read more but I have to go to bed as is I'm going to bed very late and I have classes tomorrow. Hope your happy. lol
seventhprincess chapter 25 . 9/20/2008
i absolutely loved this story! every part of it was interesting and left me wanting to read more! :) i've stayed up to an insane time in the morning to read it all, but i have to say it was 100 percent worth it! I'm going to start reading the sequel now lol :) x
bailey1ak chapter 25 . 9/16/2008
Great way to end the story (since there is a sequal). Oliver and Chloe are the cutest. He is going to be so pissed when he finds out that AC is not "out with the guys".
bailey1ak chapter 23 . 9/16/2008
Glad to see they finally rescued Oliver, now... off to get Chloe!
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