Reviews for Tougher Than Leather
Tori101 chapter 17 . 11/11/2009
I love you~

Your writing is a remarkable work of art all in itself, with the way you can take an ordinary sentence and weave it into something stuffed with personality and meaning. You have a magic knowledge of timing and sense of emotion that I can't help but feel makes everyone else pale in comparison and I'm jealous of you for that.

The story itself was...I just don't know how to describe it other than I loved it yet again. The way you personify Tsume, he's tough yet gentle and vulnerable yet dominating all at the same time and I feel you captured him just perfectly in a way I've never seen done! (Here I'm extremely jealous as I don't think I'll ever come close to getting into Tsume's head as you have.) Every character held their own personality and each snagged my heart just a bit, and I especially liked how you didn't express pointedly on anyone, and yet still managed to create such a vivid picture of emotional entertainment.

A line you mentioned early in a note about how Tsume likes his vehicles like his men sent me into a fit of giggles, also. To be able to weave such seriousness with light hearted humor (and even some crass humor that I fully enjoyed) is an admirable trait that I respect you unendingly for.

Overall, this piece was a gorgeous example of talent that I enjoyed reading and hope that you continue to bless this site with more beautiful work! I'll also definitely be looking into more of your writing, so I thank you for providing me with something so amazing to read!
AlphaKantSpell chapter 1 . 6/14/2008
ZOMG! I was so shocked that the first chapter was about Tsume and not Toboe! I was like, "eh? What's going on?" and then it was Tsume and I was like "cool, this seems so intresting! This is totally the best wolf's rain fanfic I've ever read - and I'm only on the first chapter!

Much love from one yaoi fan to another,

Mrpointyhorns chapter 16 . 5/7/2008
Good job what a good ending. I don't know about the tougher in leather but it is hotter!
Mrpointyhorns chapter 12 . 5/7/2008
Oh, maybe red does make Tsume a little hot under the collar.
Mrpointyhorns chapter 11 . 5/7/2008
I like how Tsume doubts himself he's a very real person/wolf in your fic.
Mrpointyhorns chapter 10 . 5/7/2008
Aww yes this is prefect!
Mrpointyhorns chapter 8 . 5/7/2008
Great job! It was a very interesting chapter it interwove the physical and the inner-battle of Tsume's very well.
Mrpointyhorns chapter 7 . 5/7/2008
This is great. I notice you're kinda like me when it comes to chapter lengths/styles. They vary quite a bit from one chapter to the next. I always figured that there is no reason to clutter a chapter with unnecessary words or events, so if it's short blah. I just want to get the meaning across and I want to do it in as many or as little words as possible. I'm glad there is someone else out their that isn't obsessed over quantity! It's all about quality. I can't really say that we're at the same level of writing, but it's still about quality!
mrpointyhorns chapter 6 . 5/7/2008
What a full-circle kinda event.
Mrpointyhorns chapter 5 . 5/7/2008
Sorry I didn't review in the last chapter! I shouldn't be reading at work but I am. I like this universe that you created with this not-so-Tsume-pack. Good job. I was actually looking for more of a romancy fluffy fic but a good fic is a good fic.
Mrpointyhorns chapter 3 . 5/7/2008
Thanks for the advice! See how long its been since I've seen the show. I use Youtube all the time but I never even thought about looking to see if they had any Wolf's Rain episodes up. I think I watched the show 3 years ago so Youtube wasn't really around. I remember watching the 'Nummy Nummy' kid on some obsucre site
Mrpointyhorns chapter 2 . 5/7/2008
Aww what a good chapter. I don't really know what to compliment, maybe just the fact that it's so in character and bittersweet.
Mrpointyhorns chapter 1 . 5/7/2008
Oh good I thought something was up when no names were used until the end of the fic! It's been so long since I've seen or read anything Wolf's Rain it's so sad! I got mad at the series because I missed the last episode!
TiA aRiEl chapter 15 . 3/11/2008

I like it.

Very much.

Quent rules! X3
Dragon77 chapter 12 . 2/22/2008
Loved it I can't wait to read more so update soon.
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