Reviews for Tree Houses and Daisies
lrigD chapter 13 . 1/29/2009
This was a great story. I loved every minute of it. It wasn't too sweet, too dark, too anything. Just perfect :)

Also, funny coincidence, a couple of chapters back I decided to download 'Leaving on a jet plane', and while that song was playing I read the last sentence of your story. Not just the same song, but the same sentence. Made it even more magical :)
Don't-Speak chapter 1 . 1/2/2009

You have a real talent.
Shlesha chapter 13 . 12/17/2008
Wow, I loved this story. You're really talented
Cassandra Lee chapter 11 . 9/18/2008
Where did you get the nickname "hen" for Hermione? It suits her so perfectly!
Di Michelle chapter 13 . 9/9/2008
I really liked this story. I started reading The First Day and then after I read all that you've written on that so far, I went to this. I really enjoyed the different perspectives between the two stories. It was fun reading from Ron and Hermione's point of view. I really liked Ron's emotions when it came to becoming part owner of the shop. And I really liked how you resolved that. Great story. Your writing is always wonderful.
LightningWasDesire chapter 13 . 8/26/2008
I LOVED this story! I've been waiting for a long time to find the right Ron and Hermione story, and I think I found it. I think you are an AMAZING writer. chapter 13 . 8/25/2008
That...was absolutly brilliant! I have been reading on for over 4 years and have been waiting about 2 years for a new amazing story. And yours was just perfect. I love the song Leaving on a Jet Plane, and when I got to the end of the last chapter, I melted. It tied together so well and had so much meaning behind it, I love it! I'm now going to search through some of your other stories (hoping that there is some) and read all night. Keep up the amazing writting!

omgiwantthisaccounttogoaway chapter 13 . 8/20/2008
aw this is such a cute story. :-)
LILY R0SE chapter 13 . 8/20/2008
okay i lied before. . . THIS is my favorite chapter!

:) It was really really good!

LILY R0SE chapter 11 . 8/20/2008
aw that was so cute that ron asked permision :)
LILY R0SE chapter 4 . 8/18/2008
This is so far my favorite chapter. . . i LUV IT!
LILY R0SE chapter 2 . 8/18/2008
aw the notes and the daisy's are too cute!

I love it! :)
Your Valensi chapter 13 . 8/16/2008
Hm, I think it's kind.. of a good thing that Ron hides in the tree house. Kind of like a shadow of his former self, you know? Before he grew up and what not.

I love Hermione's shade of nail polish- I'm pretty sure I've seen 'I'm Not Really a Waitress' somewhere.

Anyway, this was a brilliant story. I never really thought it was weird or awkward or out of character, and I think you illustrated key points in their life perfectly.

To sum things up, it's awesome. :)

Now, to wait for the next Questions and Answers chapter.. ;)
Your Valensi chapter 12 . 8/16/2008
I love this chapter!

I wonder if you've read the story 'Lessons Learned' by loveadubdub. It's very popular on fan fiction- almost as popular as yours.

So in the story, Harry and Ginny might get a divorce, because Ginny is completely resentful. Apparently, she was enjoying her Quidditch career, and got pregnant with James during the peak of it. She only played three seasons, and everything went downhill after that. I thought it was a little strange, because she had a good 6 years before she got pregnant. 6 years is a long time to play Quidditch.

That's why when I read Ginny's bit of the story, I was so happy that she was contemplating on quitting- that way, if she ever did get pregnant, it would be one less thing to lose.

And I like how she becomes a newspaper journalist. I'm pretty sure it's canon, but it's nice to read the reasons people come up with.

I've always pictured her as a writer type of girl, probably because of the whole journal bit from her first year.

Hermione breaking Ron's nose was hilarious. :)

Once again, I love his character. It's perfect.

Oh, and I love how Harry asks Ginny if she "kisses her Mum with that mouth" and she responds by saying "I kiss you with this mouth."

Effective way to shut him up, eh? :D
Your Valensi chapter 11 . 8/15/2008
Oh man, I love how Hermione says, "I thought Harry was your best friend."

It kind of.. I dunno, reminded me of Harry/Ron slash.

(which I am very much repulsed by, thank you very much.)

I like this type of broomstick proposal, and I like the close relationship Ron has with the Grangers.

Sometimes I think they don't have enough voice in the series, or at least fan fictions.

But they're practically important as the Weasleys; they are Hermione's parents, after all.

It's just very sweet that he gets along with them at ease.
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