Reviews for Heralds of a New Age
ToRestOrRange chapter 1 . 4/5/2008
Wow. This is amazing! It's incredibly well written, and it really makes one think about how people would react if something like this actually happened, and how they would deal with it. Superb!
LoneTread chapter 1 . 1/8/2008
I really enjoyed this. The last two paragraphs, in particular, were awesome. One thing, though: your math was off. 46 times 20 is 920, not 9200. I'm not sure whether that was intended, but I thought I'd let you know.

Anyway, it's still a great story. Hopefully I'll stop mourning the show soon and I can truly appreciate it.
zeusfluff chapter 1 . 1/2/2008
Well, first off, I would just like to say, I like the way you portrayed your character in the first person. I really felt like I was inside the story myself seeing from the eyes of your character. I don't see anything that could be improved here, other than I hope you write more chapters to this story, I want to find out more!


PS. If you'd like, I have several stories that are 4400. Feel free to have a look at some and feel free to leave a review to tell me what you think and what should be changed. My penname by the way is zeusfluff. Feel free to look it up when you get the chance. Thanks.