Reviews for The Merry Go Round Broke Down
Violetlight chapter 1 . 2/23
This was an amazing modern age sequel to "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"! I love Freddie and how well he gets along with toons, in contrast to his grandpa. Loved all the references to cartoons of my childhood (especially how Pinky and the Brain are *still* trying to take over the world!). It's just a shame that the "revival of 2D animation" didn't stick for long. Anyway, great story, and thanks so much for sharing!
Mitchekie chapter 1 . 2/17/2017
It's difficult to find a solid work of fiction (fan or non) that is a sequel that so effectively and respectfully complements its predecessor, but this one does it. Hands down, one of the best pieces of fan fiction I've ever read, if not the best. Love the witty innuendos and sarcastic, yet playful, bits of humor scattered throughout, along with a healthy overdose of nostalgia and an effort to keep all of the players in-character. A lot of what's speculated here seems like things that would seriously happen to the toons mentioned, as well as the prejudice running rampant within that world. I can legit see this as an actual sequel. Having been raised in a family of artists who work in the animation industry, this was a great read. Ross Bagdasarian with a gun. Lol. And the whole Superman joke was hilarious. Love so much about this story. Fantastic work!
Akirys chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
This is such a good fic! But I think the REAL question is where the stop-motion puppets fit into all this.
Gijinka Renamon chapter 1 . 5/5/2016
Gotta say, I really enjoyed this story, even if it's depressing to see where some classic characters have ended up... (and these days they might have had it worse... ) Still, I liked how the content warning at the top of the fic, while looking like a parody of such things, had some precedent in the story itself. Kudos! I also liked the many cameos, those brought up some memories (Goliath doing commercials? Yes please, I could listen to that voice all day...)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2015
Very nice choice, adding some flash animated edutainment toons. I always wondered how they'd fit in.
I was a little disappointed at the lack of Last Airbeder toons, but I think the Princess Bride reference made up for it. And I don't remember when that show came out, so maybe I have no right to be disappointed.
It looks like the fans' interpretations of the toons and digis are rubbing off on them? Maybe we should stop writing kinky fanfics, or this could get ugly.
clara200 chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
Good fic I think it's sad toons are racist to other toons they are no better than humans.
Red Mass chapter 1 . 7/29/2014
This is one of the most amazing story I have ever read. The feel of it felt like an actual sequel should feel like and you the author have earned my respect as well as adding this to my favorite section. Good luck and godspeed.
ilovecats86 chapter 1 . 6/4/2014
Wonderful blending for modern cartoons! The running gags were enjoyable, and the explanation for 2D to 3D is heartbreakingly understandable.
Galinda Maxwell chapter 1 . 5/19/2014
That was great! I feel so bad for the toons because I'm a big Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit fan!
Toriano.Flacko chapter 1 . 1/24/2014
Unexpectedly got quite a bit of nostalgia out of this, though that said, neat way to implement every single one of the things you warned about in the start (actually thought it was a joke, but looking back at the last part that almost didn't make sense to me, even that was involved). Neat usage of visual gags (ironic since toons coined them and this is a litfic) and coloring of toon-to-digi relations.

Taking into account just how many odd things you managed to cram into it, "I see now, so a really good artist tends to know their audience's likes and dislikes very well."

i.e - That was well-written and enjoyable. We like.

Forestwater chapter 1 . 8/31/2013
This story was really, really good. I thought the conclusion to the mystery was a little anticlimactic (especially with the literal deus ex machina of Freakazoid XD), but that final scene totally recovered it in a really shocking, but satisfying, way. Dark, funny, surprisingly mature and nuanced without messing up the original characters . . . this is everything a fanfic is supposed to be. Frankly, I'm jealous, and really upset that this doesn't have more attention. The only complaint I have is that I wish it had been broken up into chapters rather than one long shot. But still, amazing and I am just blown away.
DrRichoften chapter 1 . 8/24/2013
Shaman Psyker chapter 1 . 8/15/2013
Great story it wasn't as funny as the original roger rabbit movie but this almost as good. I really wish you would made this a deeper multi chapter story. Other than that it was a great story and I hope to see something of continuation.
Bookworm Gal chapter 1 . 6/17/2013
Very, very entertaining and it perfectly fits with the tone of the film. Nice work.
MysteriouslyNotNamed.0.0 chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my GOSH. That was perhaps the best sequel to Who Framed a Roger Rabbit I've ever read. Perhaps... But it could just be that I'm a total cameo geek. And a Roger Rabbit geek, and a Freakazoid geek, and an Animaniacs geek...

Whatever. You get the drift; I absolutely loved it! You are a wonderful storyteller, and should definitely continue writing. Amazing story, two big thumbs up and one big FAVORITED! :D
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