Reviews for The King and the Shaman
Shinigami Kiyomi chapter 31 . 12/28/2014
Love love LOVE this! XD

You made me cry in public with the previous chapter and smile like a lunatic with this last chapter since i still had tears in my eyes... *pout*

This was so very sweet! Throughout the whole way! Little kitten Duo was so so cute! X3
LotusThorn chapter 31 . 5/14/2013
I have been on this site for a very long time, and i am always looking for something to grab my attention and maybe even put me back in the mood to write. I absolutely loved this story. It grab me right from the beginning, i wanted to cry at the end, but it was amazing. thank you for writing such a good story.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/22/2013
I just have to say- you are wonderfull and i lurve you soo many hugs and all that is left of this anon is a pudle of happily squirming caramel(used to be cavities but my teeth gave out). You rock and are officially BAMF!
LovelyRose5001 chapter 31 . 1/26/2012
This story is amazing! I wanted to cry when they died T.T but the epilogue made it better :)
Bloody Winged chapter 31 . 7/17/2011
So, so, soooo much love for this story :D While I really enjoyed 'Heero, my pet', this one is just... *-* 3 While both stories have something that speak for them, this one even doesn't have those points I mentioned in my last review. Duo is much more confident in here (which looks good on him :)) and Relena is just love in here :D It won't hurt that Relena/Wufei is also a pairing I like quite much I feared that you would rush the part with the evil, but it actually didn't *feel* rushed, even though it didn't take up much chapter-space. And you handled it much better than some who take ten to twenty chapters to describe one fight. While details are important sometimes, other times it's better to do it like you did :) (Though one thing that's nagging me... I would love to find out what Heero's name was... we find out Duo's, but not Heero's...(If I didn't miss it...))

Again, so much love for this story. Thanks for sharing it with us :)
Eien-Kiseki chapter 11 . 4/1/2011
Loving Relena is out of my capacity xD The best i can come to is morbid fascination at reading about a nice Relena for once. XD
ClosetGoth chapter 31 . 8/9/2010
Wow. Just wow.

This is another one of your fics that I'd started reading a long time ago, and then fell off the face of the earth before it was finished. Now I come back to read the finish product! It's no wonder it won on that other website, it's absolutely fantastic! I'm again saddened by the fact that they had to die...but at least they're together!

Your writing is wonderful and I'm horribly jealous, I only wish I could write this well, ha-ha. I love reading and I love it when I come to a story that's well-written, engaging, entertaining, heart-wrenching, and full of lovely yaoi lemons all rolled into one!

Thank you thank you! I'd love to know when and if you write an original novel and have it published! I look forward to reading your professional writing!


Crazyjess09 chapter 31 . 8/8/2010
omg i so want to cry right now that was so sad but it was really good but i so want to cry right now even though it sort of workd out in the end its still really sad though but it was very just wow
Sirin Black chapter 31 . 6/13/2010
this one was really good really should put a warning that one needs a box of tissues for the end of this story :P

:( did they really have to die *sigh* i cried so hard

well on to another one of your stories :D
iwanteddeletethis764 chapter 31 . 4/7/2010
I was re-reading this one and just had to say... I cried again at the end! I've actually been going through your stories and re-reading my favorites (all of them).
Gabi1994 chapter 31 . 3/17/2010
so sweet, it made me sad but it was perfect. i really loved how you worked with the rebirth concept it made me so very happy, i knew heero wasn't going to be some random bystander against the 'evil'
Stratagirl chapter 31 . 3/16/2010
Aw! XD Releana did find new love and it was Wufei! XD Howw sweet and just heart warming *giggles* Aw...truely Jewel of Hell, this is a truely beautiful story with lovely characters you wrote so well *hugs tightly!* You did such a fabulous job that I just am amazed still with this story. I don't know how to eles to express how amazing and gorgous this story is _. You have a great day and happy writings and readings to you *huggles* _. Enjoy writing because I very much enjoy reading your work *huggles* _. Toodles! *waves happily!* :)

Stratagirl :).


And Releana's childern are soo cute! XD *giggles* :). Later! *waves happily!* :D
Stratagirl chapter 30 . 3/16/2010
Omg! T_T ...That was soo beautiful and sad and lovely and heart warming...I feel sad for Releana but also happy that she found someone to love? :). The part with Duo, wow! I was...and still am's just so emotional and beautiful and just *cries more* Wow! *wipes away tears* You just have a way with writing such lovely and amazing stories Jewel of Hell, you bring out the best in the story and the endings are always so beautiful and filled with so much emotion and feelings *hugs tightly!* You are a amazing writer and Wow! ...Just one more chapter left of this story and I'll be done with it and then it's time to move on to another story...but I just adore this one so much *huggles* _. The love between them, Duo and Heero, so strong and beautiful :) Have a great day and keep up the amazing and lovely work *claps happily1* :) Toodles! *waves happily!* :)

Stratagirl :)
suicidal-sinner chapter 31 . 2/14/2010
that was so cute! i loved it! :)
defy-law chapter 31 . 2/4/2010
I truely fell in love with this story. This was the first 'fantasy' fic I've read, which surprised me... I'm not usually into these things, but you have me hooked.

I really liked how deeply you rooted their past, it was a treat to watch everything unfold. Thank you for writing something so amazing!
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