Reviews for Love and Honor
xXAlissaAmaranthXx chapter 22 . 12/26/2010
wow, i love yaoi, but i dont htink ive ever read a boyXboy pairing with an oc. It was really good though, despite the depressin ending... poor taki's gonna have to be stuck without sex while he waits for zuko to kick the bucket... -_-0
toomuchinfo chapter 22 . 7/20/2010
Well, this is a fairly old story, but I must say it deserves much more reviews.

I'll make sure to read your other work.


Lt. Sarcasm
RawrTheDinoLycan chapter 22 . 6/25/2010
Oh... My... Goth... I fell in love... I am physically addicted to this story! Oh could you write a chappie where he finally dies and meets up with Taki and his cousin? Please, please, please, please!



Such a wonderful story! Gah! I love it! I cannot wait to read more from you!
yue-chan chapter 22 . 2/3/2010

sorry, but this is the only word I have.

the way you put zuko, takumi and even the other characters like azula in words is just perfect

and you made me cry! that is not easy! XD

anyway, you praticaly read my mind. I always thought zuko being gay, but could never put him with any other character of "avatar". Even with his cousin lu I still got the felling that something was missing

Then I thought "let put him with an OC"

Then I find your fic!

And now I have to say it again: PERFECT!

You are a wonderful writer. And I hope you keep that way. Very few people over here can write like you.

My best wishes (and sorry about grammar mistakes, English is not my first language -.-'')

Ewiituntmay chapter 22 . 12/12/2009
Hey -

Wow, I really loved this story, it was awesome and you are an extraordinary writer!

Well, see ya around.

Aurith chapter 22 . 10/20/2009
...I thought the previous fanfic I read by you was awesome, and the word awesome doesn't even begin to cover this one. I can honestly say, that I have read many, many books, novels, short stories, etc, but never in my life have I read a story so moving as this one. It is truly inspirational and just damned amazing. I am not pussy-footing around either, if I thought there was one thing that could be corrected or changed in any way, I would be one of the very first people to say so. This... is truly amazing. I am in awe of your writing skills. I only recently joined fanfic and so far have not uploaded any of my own. I can only hope that I am able to create something half as wondrous as this. You should be very proud of yourself, as this is one of a kind.
Eblspooky chapter 22 . 9/17/2009
Damn it! Once again you've moved me to tears. I'll admit, I think you moved their relationship a little fast at the beginning, and the lack of dividers between scenes was annoying, but that ending...beautiful. When you announced takumi's illness, I swear, I started yelling at my laptop screen, NO! NO, YOU CANT DO THAT! ITS NOT FAIR! Again, those last 3 chapters brought me to tears. Thats an amazing gift with words you have, keep nurturing it!

(p.s. wasn't zuko's agni kai with his father when he was 13?)
TakaShira chapter 1 . 11/14/2008
boy on boy? that's the vibe I'm getting which is awesome zuko totally seems to be bicurious to me lol
Oya.22 chapter 22 . 10/13/2008
... I barely know what to say. This whole story has been such a beautiful journey and right when I thought you couldn't have made it any better, you tie it off with an equally beautiful ending. This was my first avatar based shounen ai, and it paved the way for many others(In other words, I'm addicted to Zuko related boy love XD). This will always be one of my favorites and, while I'm sad to see it end, I'm even happier about how everything turned out. So once again, Wonderful, Amazing, fantastic, awesome, dazzling job on an incredible and beautiful story.

Good luck with all your future work,

Party in the Afterlife chapter 22 . 9/26/2008
A lovely, lovely chapter and such a sad, sweet ending for a wonderful story. You did a great job on this!
bloodstar chapter 22 . 9/22/2008
The last chapter definitely did not disappoint. I loved this fic top to bottom, and I was really expecting the end to be totally depressing, so much so that I avoided it all day, but it really wasn't. It was sad, a tearjerker, but not over the top angsty, and I really love that. Just perfect. I love it. Good job! XD
RueBroadway chapter 22 . 9/22/2008
Congratulations! Love and Honor is done! And what a journey it has been. Takumi has taken my heart and I won't let go :o)

This chapter was by far the shortest chapter of your whole story, but it took me forever to get through it. I had to stop every couple of paragraphs to grab a tissue and wipe my eyes (the screen was getting too blurry to read). And once I got to the part that Zuko found he had to go back, I had to take a five minute break to stop the waterworks. It's so backwards-I should want Zuko to live, right? But his parting with Taki was

so heartbreaking, I was with him in his selfishness...(tsk tsk to me)...

This was truly an amazing story. I'm so glad I took 10 minutes out of my day to follow the naive Prince past the palace gates and into the arms of Taki. Like a great movie, I will reread this over and over again. And I, too, will never forget you or your dedication to this great story.

As always, looking forward to more...Bloodlust...future Jetko...anything you've got, you know I'll be there :o)
Oya.22 chapter 20 . 8/4/2008
haha ok, now I just feel ridiculous. I really have been away for a long time. Is it not over yet? *sigh* well if that was the last chapter, thats about how my review would sound. btw I loved these past two chapters... maybe I just need some sleep... hm
Oya.22 chapter 21 . 8/4/2008
hey so sorry I haven't been able to review until now (summer camp). let me start by saying how much I loved your story overall. It really is one of my favorites. Every chapter was a pleasure to read and very beautifully written. As sad as I am that it has come to an end, I'm happy that I got to enjoy it in the first place, and that you stuck it out till the end. Thank you for a bitter sweet and beautiful story
Secret Thought chapter 21 . 7/21/2008
Oh gosh, this ending made me tear up! I was crying so much by the last line. Still, it was a fabulous story!
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