Reviews for Cuckoo In The Nest
Stargate Forever chapter 75 . 6/28
Good story. Too long but that's me. Too much Sha're and Daniel. That's me. Not anywhere close to enough Jack. Me. Didn't like the ending. Me. :)
Jumper chapter 1 . 3/29
Evil alien Carter! Love it.
Historyisabook chapter 75 . 1/29
Really good story even with Sha're and Daniel being the main characters. First family of Atlantis? (Gag) :)
Historyisabook chapter 56 . 1/28
Still good. Sha're is disturbed and controlling... and rude. Trying to like her, but it's not happening.
Historyisabook chapter 29 . 1/26
So, are there more Andurians on Earth? Is that how Griff and others are Andurian? Carter started their realisation of their true nature by being first? Just my mind swirling.
Historyisabook chapter 26 . 1/26
Still a really good story. Wish there was less Sha're', less Sha're and Daniel, less THEM.
Historyisabook chapter 21 . 1/26
Really good story. Too bad everyone was short with Jack bringing people down. It wasn't taking that much time and I would have liked more of it. What supplies did he bring?
Susan's Sister chapter 75 . 7/29/2019
Good story. Liked it a lot even though I dislike Share'. Way too much of her in this story and not nearly enough of hero Jack which was disappointing. But... still a good story.
Falan chapter 75 . 2/11/2014
Amazing! This is simply an amazing story. I have no idea why you don't have more favorites and reviews, because this story is simply an amazing and unique Stargate/Atlantis story. I suppose some people might have been upset that Sam is the villain. But regardless that I generally love Sam as a character, I can handle the change in a fanfic. And this fanfic is certainly worth reading. Such a good story, with great character development for Sha're and several others who aren't usually so focused on. And I love how much SG-1 is able to be combined with Atlantis crew and the addition of the Tok'ra and the free Jaffa. And adding the Athosians without the Earthers being the cause of the destruction of the home is a great alteration. Certainly time to go look and see if you've written other stories!
Kaitie85386 chapter 75 . 5/14/2013
600th review! :) Congrats!
Love it. Got to be one of-if not the best-stargate fanfictions I've ever read. The plot line was BRILLIANT, and so engaging and full of twists that I never saw coming. It wasn't just one obstacle that they had to overcome, it was layers upon layers of them and they were resolved plausibly.
One of the reasons I love your stories is that most of them have Sha're in them. She's always been a character I wished the show had done more with. Having her as an integral part of the team was great!
I haven't gotten around to watching Stargate Atlantis yet, and am on season 5 of SG-1. But from what I've seen (and the spoilers I've read haha) the characterization was perfect.
The ending was so cute. "Meet your daughter." I've been waiting for that ever since we found out about her.
What else... Ok, so the only thing that could use work is your comma placement. A comma should be used whenever there's a pause in the sentence. For example, in this sentence, "Confused Sha're watched Daniel hand Mel to John before he took Lily from her and passed her to Jeannie," there should be a comma after confused. It doesn't happen all the time, but enough that I noticed.
Overall, absolutely AMAZING story! :) A sequel would be so cool :)
Jcdutt chapter 75 . 6/18/2012
Finally finished the story, and it was a great read.

I must say though, I had trouble visualizing the Andurians while reading, I always visualized the tall blue Andorians with antennae from Star Trek.
FORD B chapter 75 . 5/23/2012
Awesome story and awesome ending!
KateCayce chapter 75 . 5/23/2012
Awesome ending to an awesome story! I am definitely going to miss seeing the emails for the updates!
MuseUrania chapter 75 . 5/22/2012
the only thing disappointing about this chapter is that it's the end of the story! But if it had to end, it's perfect! :)
Caryn chapter 75 . 5/22/2012
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story.

Watching it unfold over the last few years has been


I have cried and laughed, mourned and rejoiced along the way!

Thank you!
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