Reviews for Perhaps
Twilight Angel chapter 1 . 2/4/2008
this is so adorable. it's a cute pair! Wonderful Riku and Fuu. it's so cute!
watch-me-write chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
That was...well, I dunno, really. It was depressing, due to the part of the fic that had Fuu sitting alone with no one else to comfort her as she tried so hard to swallow that little bit of bread; fluffy, which was the part where Riku and Fuu finally made up and saw that all the arguments were stupid; anger-inducing, as I now hate Seifer and Rai for being so judgemental and...and...arg, I can't remember my vocabluary, they just made me so mad with that one comment.

Well, that was yet another seriously awesome fic. Like I said before, you have a way with words and I wish I had that little gift. -sigh- Anyway, I guess it's back to browsing for me. I'm kinda going past my time on this damn money-consuming thing we call a computer, but no one's noticed yet...

Bex O
Vampyric Ninja chapter 1 . 1/13/2008
Cute! It made me feel so sorry for Fuu, and then it made me feel so sorry for Riku, but then the ending made me feel happy for both!

In other words, I loved it. _
Sorikaii chapter 1 . 1/12/2008
I love it. I do. Because you have combined my two favorite things in the world-Ruuku and RENT-into a wonderfully written fanfiction.

Alas, I must wait to read the others before I judge them, but no matter what I decide, I must say that I was impressed and enjoyed reading.