Reviews for Greater Love
WolfieJimi chapter 1 . 1/11
Oh gosh, this was so remarkably beautiful eeeee!

I was so excessively excited to discover that you had written Sherlock stories - your Star Trek stories were my first (admittedly late!) introduction to fan fiction. I read them voraciously, but didn't ever check to see what else you'd written.

After recently getting back into the world of ACD via the 1984 Granada series with Jeremy Brett, I asked some people on tumblr if they could recommend any good Sherlock fanfiction which fitted my very picky, very particular set of demands (lmao) and someone suggested YOU! Welllllllll, I, like, properly squeaked out loud with excitement. More KCS to read?! And it's Sherlock?! KCS wrote Sherlock stories?! !? Are you for REAL?!


Anyway, I know this is long and rambling, but I think I never commented/reviewed your writing before, as back when I first found you I didn't really have any idea how to use FFnet or anything and wasn't involved in fandom at all outside of my own personal little bubble, so I just read and read and read in silence(unless I did eventually figure out how to leave a comment? I may have done. It was a while back. Anyway...).

What I mean to say is that your writing has had a profound impact on me, and I am so unbelievably excited to now fall into your Sherlock world just as I previously fell into your Star Trek TOS world. You are a wonderful writer, and your stories tick every box for me.

And if this particular is anything to go by, then OOF!

TL;DR - You're awesome, this is awesome, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Thank you thank you thank you from a long-time silent superfan,

whirlingskirts chapter 8 . 11/14/2019
Wow! You've perfected the Doylish tone. Thank you! I enjoyed this.
englishtutor chapter 8 . 11/1/2016
My word, this is a beautiful story. I can't believe I haven't read it before. Thank you for writing it.
MaryChapel chapter 8 . 4/11/2015
Lovely, lovely story, and a perfect ending. Thank you so much!
Sarai chapter 8 . 11/9/2014
StoryLover149 chapter 8 . 12/15/2013
Beautiful :) This was a great story, touching. I liked seeing Sherlock's inner thoughts, and the theme of the Bible verse was threaded beautifully in the narrative. Great job!
TinTurtle chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
You have done a good job imitating Watson's voice in this story.
Werde Spinner chapter 8 . 8/19/2013
Aww. And the strife ends far more amicably than I had expected. The Bible quotation is magnificently appropriate, I must say. Thanks for including it!
Werde Spinner chapter 7 . 8/19/2013
Busted! Oh, no. From excitement over a cased closed to not speaking in a few minutes. Watson, however, had the guts to be honest about everything when he could have been otherwise, so kudos to the good doctor.
Werde Spinner chapter 6 . 8/19/2013
Moriarty is terrifying! Of course it is in his nature (and in the nature of evil) to toy around with its victims, to 'watch them dance'. He is affable in his own way, though, by honoring his bargain (or, rather, Moran honoring his bargain - I suppose there is a distinction) and by giving Holmes time to write out a farewell. Somehow, his flavor of gentlemanly creepy only makes it worse, though.
Werde Spinner chapter 5 . 8/19/2013
Arrrrgggghh. How can this chapter be written in such precise and formal language, and yet build up an atmosphere of tenseness and danger so well? I am in awe. I have nothing negative to say; I can only click eagerly for the next chapter.
Werde Spinner chapter 4 . 8/19/2013
Very glad to see that Holmes was reticent not because he did not trust Watson, but because he was, well, Holmes. Even though Watson has already guessed this, it must still be a relief to see it confirmed. His compassion for his friend as he reads the account is also touching.
Werde Spinner chapter 3 . 8/19/2013
Dr. Watson is right, of course, that scribbling clears the mind. I have often found so myself. It is no wonder that Mr. Holmes would find the same in his moment of crisis with Moriarty. It is a very unnerving situation. Often the hardest things to bear are threats not to oneself but to those dear to oneself. Any feeling of helplessness only compounds the situation into agony.
Werde Spinner chapter 2 . 8/19/2013
I really, really admire your writing style. It bears enough of a resemblance to the original so as to genuinely seem as if Dr. Watson had written it, and yet it is not at all hard to read or understand. It strikes the happy medium, which I am very glad to see. You also do an excellent job of capturing Moriarty's creepiness.
Werde Spinner chapter 1 . 8/19/2013
Hello, Spinner here. I've just discovered your writings and I'm in awe. I'd just like to apologize in advance, as I'm going to be flooding your inbox with reviews. I'm a bit of a review monster. I consider it only polite to review, after all, even if is only to say, 'Thank you,' to the author for writing and sharing with all of us.

I must say, I sympathize with Watson here. Goodness knows I've organized stuff often and then a sibling comes along and destroys it all. And who can *not* start reading something when they notice their own name on the page?!
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