Reviews for When She Was Seven
elisekhi chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
I loved this. It was so sweet, yet sad. I wanted to cry at the end, because it just was so bittersweet, her wishing those days could have gone on forever.
RainyJac chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
What an excellent little gem of a fanfic! I loved little Tonks and all of her interactions with Remus and Sirius! I enjoyed how innocent this piece felt, it made the end all the more heartbreaking. I've never read another fic like this and I thoroughly enjoyed it! After so much digging here, it was wonderful to find something that really pulled at my heartstrings!
Elianna Eldari chapter 1 . 1/21/2010
rather heartbreaking
huntinghelene chapter 1 . 11/18/2008
I loved this fic!

It brings alive Tonks like few other fics I have read.

Wouldn't we all like to be the welcomed visitor in Sirius and Remus' home?

LiteratusAO3 chapter 1 . 8/17/2008
Oh, wow. This was wonderful. I loved that it was written from Tonks's point of view. It was very nostalgic. Beautifully written.

Tawny Owl chapter 1 . 4/25/2008
I liked the description in this story, the way you described the flat and how Tonks felt. It made it seem very real. Although it's also quite sad and nostalgic. Really liked it.
aldehyde chapter 1 . 1/15/2008
this is so beautifully written! i'd love to read the original fic you drew your inspiration from. as much as i adore tonks, i've always been a hardcore sirius/remus shipper, and this fic does a great job of reconciling fanon and canon together :)

i don't think i can ever forgive jkr for killing off sirius after imprisoning him wrongly for the majority of his life. and then to finish off remus and tonks without even a proper death scene! grr :( in my head of course this all means that padfoot and moony are finally together in the afterlife :]

anyway, i'm gonna go through your other fics now - keep up the great work!
Katia Dashwood chapter 1 . 1/15/2008
This was an excellent one-shot. I liked all of the description from Tonks' POV and the details of the music and food.