Reviews for A Ghost in Nod's Limbs
Isaac Williams1 chapter 78 . 1/23/2018
RenegadeForLife chapter 9 . 4/16/2017
Did not expect him to reveal his secret that easily. Then again I didn't really expect a fanfic crossover of these shows either.
nwilson1 chapter 78 . 3/6/2017
I'll say this much. I loved this story. I know some are for and others against different aspect of your story. I wouldn't let that discourage you too much. There will always be critics. Me, myself, I thought the gods and goddesses detracted from the story...for me, but others really enjoyed it. I mention this, not to condemn you as the writer, but to make a point.

Every reader has different likes and dislikes. Our stories much connect with them on that personal level. Had one reader with my story Raging Hearts, who said my story touched her so deeply, it restored cherished childhood memories, a part of her youth she thought she'd lost long ago. Alas, yours spoke to me as well.

Good characterization. Solid plot. And strong like between characters. Vlad seemed a little OOC but then you showed his angle, which brought him somewhat back into his villain plot. LOL. Good job.
Chara L Phantom-Cipher chapter 12 . 2/12/2017
that's hillarious
YouCanOnlyPretend chapter 1 . 1/21/2017
okay, i found this like a year ago, before i had my account, and then when i found it im like "yesss *dab*"
lilyflower101 chapter 78 . 7/31/2016
Awesome prank!
Ariastella chapter 29 . 10/18/2015
Personally, I'd like to think that Blizzards & the like, would be the easiest weather for Danny to conjure. Of course, that's mostly because he has a Cold Core.
fairyMei33 chapter 7 . 1/26/2015
I really like the premise, but Danny's a bit too OOC for me. I'm really impressed with your dedication to the story :-) It's rare to see a writer who takes their stories past a few K words! Great job! :-D
Corundum chapter 78 . 4/16/2014
OK, I'm not going to lie, this story REALLY didn't need the side story involving the gods and all that, it was needlessly complicated, and wasn't as well written as Danny's story, and his story needs some cleaning up as well, I wish I was a good enough writer to know what to tell you to fix it up, but I'm only good at noticing if a story is lacking anything and where it is, not how to fix it (unless it's typos, because I can totally fix typos)
Flying Dragonite chapter 2 . 3/24/2013
Just making a comment here, I know it's your story and thus can do whatever you want, but being a victim of child services myself (and their incompetency) -there is no way that they'd just come in and take Danny like that with one word from a teacher. there would be a whole bunch of legality stuff and they'd have to prove beyond a doubt that Danny was being abused, and it really is hard to prove that stuff when both the kids and the parents deny all claims of abuse... just saying. That said, I understand it's just for the story purposes, I just wanted to point that out.
ashes34 chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
wow 78 chapters oh my fucking god that's a lot!
Little bit 1o1 chapter 78 . 6/14/2011
Me like.
BlackRoseFire chapter 78 . 12/20/2010
I said it once I will say it again, Awesome story. I loved the way you incorperated Greek mythology into the story.
sdphantom10 chapter 2 . 9/16/2010
Hm, two pranksters an slightly above average american family and a half ghost. Plot thickening already. Im afraid I don't know what series the Edgar and Ellen bits from but ill check it out.

p.s I drew up a second car for the speedster story, i believe my first one was crap looking back at it X(
sdphantom10 chapter 1 . 9/16/2010
Thinking I should read this series from the beggining. Leave it to Lancer to blow something out of proportion.
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