Reviews for In a Cold Season
Steeple333 chapter 1 . 2/5/2008
I like this very much. It's not overly fluffy (in the bad, OOC way) or saccharine, but nice and warm. Sort of like Lipton (ugh!) compared to Oolong. It's reflective with a touch of sadness, but not overloaded with angst. Overall, a very skilled fic.

Thank you.
Ichijouji chapter 1 . 1/20/2008
I love it _ thanks ..
243Ash chapter 1 . 1/16/2008
merry merry christmaas! hahaha

doode - that clip sounds PERVERTED as hell 'cause ken keeps agreeing with grunts and sighs. Or when Ken says baby. hahaha!

Aww man... haha