Reviews for Flowers of Meaning
nita98 chapter 1 . 8/19/2011
glitterings chapter 14 . 2/6/2011
Ha! Pervs.

Loved the whole story. Total ShikaIno shipper, here!

InuLoveKawaii13 chapter 11 . 10/2/2010
Can't wait for part two!
InuLoveKawaii13 chapter 10 . 10/2/2010
I'm confused. Did she have a dream? or did Shikamaru actually show up? I am leaning towards she was still dreaming.
InuLoveKawaii13 chapter 9 . 10/2/2010
Cute chapter.
InuLoveKawaii13 chapter 8 . 10/2/2010
Chapter 7 and 8 are both my favorites. I am only on them, but they are still awesome. Chapter 8 is also funny. Poor Shikamaru...How DO men put up with pregnant women? It is a very good question.
DAngel7 chapter 14 . 4/3/2010
I like so much your idea with the flowers and their meaning and how you make and entirely different story in each chapter. I really would like to read the second part of "First Kiss" and many other. I hope youll update soon.
EmoPrincess21 chapter 14 . 2/26/2010
these are so cute and funny i love them
missmridvika chapter 2 . 2/25/2010
AW thatt was to cute! hahaha
ShikaIno1 chapter 4 . 10/23/2009
i thought it is so cute! but did ino and shikamaru die? that would be sad...
ShikaIno1 chapter 3 . 10/23/2009
i loved it!
ShikaIno1 chapter 2 . 10/23/2009
loved it!
ShikaIno1 chapter 1 . 10/22/2009
i liked it!
ArAshiMitArAshi chapter 13 . 7/30/2009
I like this chapter. They're both IC and the situation fits them perfectly
Dimly chapter 13 . 7/27/2009
Oh wow! This was awesome! Thank you so much for writing this! I don't mind that it's overdue; I'm just amazed that you did it! Thank you!

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