Reviews for Riley McPoole
Guest chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
Omg this was hilarious and down right sexy all at the same time. This was just fantastic. I loved it!
GrayGreenLove chapter 1 . 1/14/2012
I absolutely loved this story, you should mark the pairing in the info!
Vampira.the.Deranged chapter 1 . 7/8/2010
Oh man. I laughed so hard I cried by the time he got the McFlurries. This is amazing!
onewhowatches chapter 1 . 5/1/2010
oh, my god. this was awesome.

but when i read 'virginal' i just burst into hysterical giggles. XD cuz it was funny.

plus, you're amazing.



onewhowatches :3
wolfvonbiele93 chapter 1 . 2/5/2010
so awesome! riley is so adorable in this fic. i especially love the eighteen mcflurry part. soo hilarious! keep the stories coming!
ShinoHina4eva chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
dear merlin. *collapses*!
Sibaas chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
oh gawd I liked to have laughed myself to death at the mcflurry part. I could NOT stop laughing. 18 mcflurries. 'are you denying my right to consume mcflurries?' XD gold. pure GOLD.
keep-me-posted chapter 1 . 1/19/2009
Not that I can actually see Riley and Ben a couple, but this story was very cute. And super funny! I love hyper Riley! And the McDonalds part had me ROFL! You've got a great talent for writing. Keep up the good work! )
Nefyr chapter 1 . 11/28/2008
I've been looking around for NT fic for about two days now after seeing both movies, and I've read a lot of crap. This is the first fic where both Riley and Ben were in character. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your Riley banter is adorably perfect.
Valentine Satiguss chapter 1 . 8/3/2008

I shall never doubt the power of Mickey D's and their McFlurries?

Ha ha ha.

HOT one-shot.
Califaction chapter 1 . 6/29/2008
This is great. Riley is crazy, emotional, and hyper/insecure, and Ben's trying to work, be patient, and control his sex drive at the same time (snicker!). Ben, nervous about the impressionable history students, is so cute. Hyper Riley rocks my socks. So does bored, despairing Riley trying to design weapons of massively massive mass destruction out of common household objects. I can totally see this happening. I like Abigail and Sadusky, and the way Abigail can make Ben fold his arms and feel only slightly threatened. :) You do a really good job of making her Not Annoying without making her OOC. Most of the time your grammar and spelling are great, but I noticed that there are a couple of times when you start some dialogue with a lower-case letter instead of a capital one. Just to let your know. :) I love your narrating style. You have both Ben and Riley down pat, and they're completely entertaining and hilarious the way you write them. The nine empty McFlurry cups strewn around Riley's prone body "like funerary offerings" are brilliant. So was the ending (definitely hot). Ben's relentless advance coupled with his 'casual,' 'gentle' actions were totally Ben. I think it's great that he's the one that lost the bet, though. Riley always does his best to win any challenge. Hee. Humor and Ben/Riley combined with great writing is always an awesome find. Thanks for writing and posting!
Shiznap chapter 1 . 6/16/2008
Dude, *best thing ever*. Just gorgeous, really, and funny, too. And hot. That's always a bonus, too. Favorited!
Dyodoro chapter 1 . 5/29/2008
XD! The McDonalds part made me LMAO! I was laughing so hard that I accidentally threw my chopsticks across the room! XD My mom started yelling at me... ;D Ah... THE BEST THING EVER. OMIGAWD. I CAN'T GET OVER IT. XD GREAT!
notoriousreviewer chapter 1 . 4/9/2008
You are a crazy writer. I think I'm in love with your writing. Congrats! You have officially joined the Restoring-My-Faith-in-Fanfiction club!
BandGeek58407 chapter 1 . 3/12/2008
That was a wonderful combination of adorableness and hilarity. Nice job. (Suddenly I have the urge to order 18 McFlurries.)
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