Reviews for Nicnivin
Kay chapter 4 . 12/30/2017
Wow ! Awesome ! How did u do that 2 me ...
I am completely totally awestruck ...Love it !
LunaBianca chapter 4 . 7/1/2016
I love the atmosphere and the cruelty of the conflict. And dear Bobby...

Very nicely told.
sapphireswimming chapter 4 . 6/17/2013
Holy cow. I just sat here in silence for a long while. This. This is sooooo good. So powerful. I can't even. Wow. Just. GEEZ THIS HURTS SO MUCH. I wasn't expecting it to end like this, I wasn't expecting Sam to leave (to protect Dean) and John to take off afterward leaving Dean with nothing and no one and a world that isn't blue and then for Dean to rush in to do THAT.

Absolutely brilliant writing, this is. I doff my cap to you. Wonderful, wonderful fic. Now I just need like a week to recover from this... XD
sapphireswimming chapter 3 . 6/17/2013
Loved the explanation of Dean's character and why he's not telling anyone what's going on. How Rumsfeld is reacting and how Bobby /sees/. Can't wait to see how this wraps up.
sapphireswimming chapter 2 . 6/17/2013
Oh. Oh oh oh. I was wondering how Nicnivin was going to twist the promise she'd made to Dean and this is definitely a horrible way to twist it. Loved how you described the way everything happened. I'm on the edge of my seat.
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 6/17/2013
Oh, absolutely loved it. Dean's half rambling thought process really got across the situation and how he was feeling and she was oh so very tricky, using Dean's thoughts and getting him to say yes at the very last minute. Can't wait to see where this goes.
Zuza chan chapter 4 . 5/1/2012
It's so beautiful! Prettily written (I don't think I've ever read this kind of beautiful style), so sad at the end, even a little confusing! But it matches Deans strong yet angsty and dark character so well! And the others are so realistically described, Bobby as a good, warm, yet sharp and knowing person, and the other Winchesters as idiots :DD Well, not idiots, more like immature cowards.. to a lesser degree let's say.. they just don't know what they're doing to Dean :'(

Anyways, this is a unbelievable story!
Greeniron chapter 4 . 9/15/2010
This is a seductive story. By the end, I wanted Dean with the faeries. The ending was great but some part of me wanted to see if Sam and John ever realized what happened.
UnholyMuse chapter 4 . 8/20/2010

I don't even know what to say about this. Beautiful, painful, lyrical, BRILLIANT. Just... God. Just gorgeous.

I am so jealous.
B. and the Jetts chapter 4 . 6/8/2010
Oh maaaaan...

Is there gonna be a sequel? I think there should be a sequel!

This was so cool! I mean... Not for Dean and all, of course, but you know, it tottaly got me leaning so forward on my seat I almost fell! Litteraly...

I think I dreamt about this story last night (I read it yesterday, but was too sleepy to send you something not lame, so yeah! It could have been worse!) but I'm no sure... I woke up picturing this scene where Dean would want to come back to say thanks to Bobby for trying to save him and Nicnivin going like "Whatever, I think it's gonna make you fell like crap, bu go on"

And when Dean met up with Bobby, Sam would find out and try to be less of a whiny bitch and talk to Dean.

Reeaaly don't know where that came from...

Ok! This is getting to big to be pleasant, so I'm gonna go!

You're awsome, so is your story!

Ps.: Sorry if the writing is too sucky, I'm brazilian and obviously have a lot going on inside my head... Sorry!
Ted chapter 4 . 5/11/2010
I enjoyed this story. I was looking for information about Nicnivin (or Nicnevin) and came upon this site. I especially like the discription of Nicnivin and the words she used. I would hope the author would write more. There is talent there.

griffonskies chapter 4 . 10/22/2009
It hurts...

omg, that was beautiful and so, so, so sad and...and...

Great work! Will there be more?
Meghan chapter 4 . 7/19/2009
This was a beautiful and heartwrenching story.
thanatoseve chapter 1 . 7/19/2009
Enjoyed the plot and dream-like quality of the telling.
Naed chapter 4 . 7/8/2009
Really fantastic story! I loved it!
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