Reviews for Uninvited
RenoLuvver chapter 21 . 2/19/2010
“’Laney… I wanna talk to you… about the sex.” LOL. That made me crack up for some reason. It's just so blunt. I think I want to run up to random strangers and say that line, (cutting off the 'Laney part of course) and then run away just to confuse people. P

I have to hand it to Elena, she handled that other chick being pregnant very well. That would just piss me off. Excuse the language, but I think we can all handle it. We're Reno fans, we're used to it. P I'm kind of annoyed with that chick myself and I'm not even involved. LOL.

Good story, I was intrigued!
RenoLuvver chapter 18 . 2/19/2010
AWAW! This chapter was so swet. The extra vowels are for how extra-special it was. I really liked this. It was just really...sweet. AW! I love being a fangirl. ) I get to live in these little bubbles of fluff every now and then and it's so nice. xD Good job. You rock. xD
RenoLuvver chapter 15 . 2/19/2010
Hahaha, I love that last line. P I don't know why her saying his hair is pretty is important -is- 1 AM though, so that probably has a good deal to do with my current intelligence level. P
RenoLuvver chapter 9 . 2/19/2010
Hahahaha, I love how Elena's surprised that Reno's not surprised when she sort of jumps him. xD She wonders if he's used to it, and I sort of automatically answered that out loud. I was sitting here whispering to myself, "Yes, yes I imagine he is used to women randomly making out with him." xD
RenoLuvver chapter 7 . 2/19/2010
Ok, I've definitely not read this and just forgot about it. I would remember something as unique and intriguing as this. I have no idea what's going on. Your plots never cease to amaze me. I can never come up with awesome stuff like this! )
RenoLuvver chapter 6 . 2/19/2010
Elena stopped dead in her tracks, praying that her eyes had just deceived her. As she looked up the bank at the shadows the trees were casting, she could have sworn for a split second as the sky lit up behind ahead, she saw the silhouette of a figure standing above her.

“Elena!” she heard Reno shout in a way she had never heard before. Desperate; like he truly needed help. Swallowing hard, Elena turned around, dreading what she might see.

But she never did see. As she turned, she felt a tremendous pain in the back of her head, and she screamed along with Reno. She had no idea what was happening, and just as she was about to yell Reno’s name, when her vision turned completely black, and she swayed, losing her balance, and began to fall. She didn’t feel the floor against her cheek or her hands, only that ever-lasting darkness.

Whoa, creepy. xD
RenoLuvver chapter 4 . 2/19/2010
lol, I love how he can tell she's looking at him even when his eyes are closed. xD
RenoLuvver chapter 3 . 2/19/2010
I'm still in shock that I missed one. It's so weird. I would think that maybe I just don't remember it, except that I haven't reviewed any of the chapters yet, so I guess I didn't...also none of it is sounding familiar. It's so weird. Useful review, I know. *sarcasm* P But hey, you already know that I love all your work. xD
RenoLuvver chapter 2 . 2/19/2010
So I completely love Reno. He's such a cocky jerk but we all love him for some reason. P On a completely random note, my computer is claiming it is not connected to the internet, yet it's letting me read and review and be on facebook and everything no problem...I'm confused. But ok. P
RenoLuvver chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
...I cannot believe this. I think I MISSED this story! I don't recall reading it, and I can't find any reviews from me on the first couple chapters...I don't think I read this. HOW DID I MISS ONE OF YOUR AMAZING WORKS? I don't know how that happened, but I fully intend to remedy it as soon as possible. P

On another note, I haven't heard from you in awhile so I hope you're doing ok. ) I send you mental hugs every day. P So send me a message next chance you get and let me know how things are going. xD
uchihacutie chapter 21 . 9/12/2009
wow...ii liiked thiis...iit was very gud lolzz _
BlackxValentine chapter 15 . 5/31/2009
I loved the comment at the end, "Reno, your hairs pretty."
Midnight Secret chapter 21 . 4/6/2009
I enjoyed this story. The beginning was very very strong, but once they got captured, I felt that the story go weaker, too many coincidences happening to be able to get them out of the situation, then it built itself back up. I enjoy it, and I really like this couple... Good job.
Madoka chapter 21 . 3/1/2009
I love this story. It's seriously very captivating. Now I'm just sad because this was the last chapter. :)

You should write a sequel, if you get the inspiration, that is.
WorldofWarCraftFanatic16 chapter 21 . 2/21/2009
First off, I apologize for taking so long to review this. I have been without a computer for almost a week now and it has not been fun at all, but that was an awesome ending! The last line is just perfect for Reno. I can really imagine him saying that to her. And your paragraph at the beginning about what happened to you-scary! I would had been screaming and running lol. I am so glad you finished this and it has been fun to read it through to the end. I will probably be looking at your other stories soon. Until then, keep writing!
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