Reviews for A Day At The Park
2020 Shizuru chapter 1 . 7/27/2019
Shizuru’s so adorable, holding Kiyohime up and making a hissing sound
Hookedonreading chapter 1 . 8/2/2018
Greetings Notori the Storm Wolf ! Sweet...I always love reading chibi Shiz...Nat..Mai..Reito...Nao

Love the nice introduction of Shiz to everyone and the cuteness of Shiz and Nat's protective nature.

Thanks...take care...ciao!
Twenty-six Whitewave chapter 1 . 1/24/2013
This is a creative approach on the Mai-Hime characters. People loved them as teenagers, then you made them more lovable as kids/toddlers! I liked how jealous Nao is of her friend Natsuki ("She's so waiting for Kuga") and the ShizNat interaction (hiss!) is so adorable. There's humor, drama, a bit of action, and of course romance... all in one-shot! Well, what can I say? You're really a gifted writer. Well, thanks again for inspiring us with your talent. Goodluck in love & life!
jo-Kaon17 chapter 1 . 5/16/2012
i want more of this...this is sooooooooooooo adorable.,,
ako2project chapter 1 . 2/25/2011
ow. that was really cute.

lol., natsuki was really a gentleman.

hope u could continue the story. this was really great.

mayb u could make another one shot. when natshiz in kindergarden or elementary. that will be cute as well.

nobody tried it before

thx for writing anyway. ganbate ne
ShizNat14 chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
continue this...! please.?
Taichi Takuya chapter 1 . 2/1/2011
Awwww. This was really cute! Nicely done.
Indiobotod chapter 1 . 12/31/2009
can you please continue this fic? let say a bit fast forward and let Shizuru do her advances and works of having Natsuki as her bride to be? i love the chibi stuff all over the hime cast! it was fun to read.

thanks for this one.

emtz95 chapter 1 . 5/12/2009
hahaha... it was very cute... even if it was just a story... it would be great if you continue it... like an epiloge or something would be great...
Soda.Holic chapter 1 . 3/10/2009
I really love this fic of yours . cute ,sweet , with the touch of youthful innocence . I read this before , when I was still a lurker and couldn't help myself , so i endlessly searched for it just to re-read and comment XD much love though I really wish this would have a sequel or somethin' _~
aarcticinferno chapter 1 . 1/31/2009
that was... great. reckon i haven't stopped grinning or laughing myself silly ( the part where midori tells mai not to play with matches when there are witness ...seriously?) since starting to read the fic. And Nao's jealous! it's hilarious.

Great piece of work, could easily conjour a mental theatre, the setting and characters were well described ]
RJ-FA chapter 1 . 1/19/2009
Kawaii! Shizuru and Natsuki were so adorable in this!
yui1808 chapter 1 . 7/24/2008
author-san where's the continuation?
Rile E. Coyote chapter 1 . 7/7/2008
Incredibly cute. I'm to tired to do a thorough review, but one problem that did stick out was Reito calling Mikoto "nee-chan"- this is actually a title reserved for older sisters. Instead, Reito should be calling her "imouto-chan."

Other than that, it's adorable, and I hope you add on to it. I'm sure there's plenty of potential for classroom craziness. Perhaps even Miss Maria as the teacher? She's a scary hardass, after all, and one of very few redeeming qualities for Otome...

Peace, Love, and all that other queerness,

Shazu chapter 1 . 6/25/2008
zomg so adorable X3

i really love the stories when they are likkle babies X3 ...well more like toddlers but its still cute 8D

shizuru was soo adorable X3 it made me want to squeal XD;

i hope you write more 8D i look forward to it if you do X3
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