Reviews for Lost
ChuckBlair8 chapter 8 . 1/13/2018
What a story! It kept me turning pages from beginning to end! I loved your writing! My only complaint is that it ended too abruptly. I want more. I want to know everything that happened and how Chuck & Blair were able to work things out. I would have really liked to have seen him arrested and put away in prison for the rest of his life.
I loved the scene with Eleanor when she realized that Blair had been raped, and how she was there for her. It was precious. And the whole ending to the party and the story had me laughing out loud, I could totally see it happening that way. Serena was hilarious. Thank you for allowing Chuck to beat him to a pulp, because we all know that is exactly what he would have done if anyone had done that to Blair. He wanted to kill him, but he realized that Blair would always need him to be there for her, and also by giving her the phone and allowing her to decide his fate, gave her back the power that the rapist had taken from her. Loved this! I would love an epilogue to it! And I really hope that you can be persuaded to write more Chuck & Blair stories! You are extremely talented! Thank you for this story!
padrrhhajfenmak chapter 8 . 5/23/2016
That was amazing! I'm in love with this story
ladyand chapter 8 . 3/16/2016
Really great story. I loved every moment of it. Done with care even if in the end the moral highroad seemed a bit unrealistic. No way the rapist would have been convicted and rape shield laws would have applied to Blair's case especially as a minor. Considering the fact that Chuck had already battered him in the limo they could not just drop him off at the police station. But it ended the way we would have wanted in a perfect world so that is fiction I suppose. I loved Serena in this. Every aspect of her character was nailed down to a T. The ending was epic and amazing. As someone who is not very good at writing endings I appreciated the way in which you left this.
Star197 chapter 8 . 1/19/2015
This was so amazing! What Blair went through was horrible, but Chuck and Serena were there for her :)

I probably would've let him die, he deserves what ever happens to him!
rayj829 chapter 8 . 4/19/2014
OMG this story was great - I literally stayed up waaaay later than I should have last night just to read it all in one sitting! ! I love the idea of Chuck going all vigilante and even hiring a hitman to "take care of" the guy that attacked *his* Blair.
Sparkleyangel chapter 8 . 6/3/2013
I love your story! Did you ever write a sequel? I would love to know what happens after :)
Lady-Rubens chapter 8 . 3/16/2011
wow... just wow... that was something.

i'm speechless.

so emotional, so touching, so intimate.

i read a lot. really, really a lot.

if i read ff, it's mostly about B&C. several times i've come across stories about raped Blair, they were better or worse written. yours... well, undoubtedly the best one i've ever read. because, even though i know nothing about rape, it just really feels real.

denial. anger. shock. disappointment. clothing. emotions.

i felt so, so very sorry for Blair. she's so strong, she fought her demons. she struggled, she tried hard. that's, well, a lot. she didn't deserve any of this hell.

Serena was for once reasonable and a perfect friend. she stood by her, cared, even took the risk with that monster, she didn't back off, didn't run off crying and she could have. would we be able to blame her if she got scared and didn't get to the cab? don't think so. she didn't notice all the things Chuck saw, sure, but nontheless i was truly impressed and felt my gratitude. she was wonderfull.

Chuck... well, i find myself yet again speechless. i could not express in a thousand words how i feel about what he did. i would never ever want anyone kill anybody on my behalf. but the sheer fact that he wanted to, almost did it, the fact that Blair, his Blair was hurt affected him so much. he suffered a lot. i was scared of him. very much so. and still i admired his devotion. his persistance. his urge to make everything alright, to make her pain go away. i had tears in my eyes when Chuck dealt with the rapist, and that scarcely ever happens. Chuck is so... for the lack of a better word right now... well, outstanding, unique and an amazing character (even though he's so complicated and troubled).

firts thing i thought when i was done reading - 'check if there's a sequel'. i was disappointed not to find any. but then i thought, perhaps that's for the best. you finished in a terrible moment. i wish i knew what happened from then on, but still, that was classy and good. not revealing all sometimes does wonder. and works perfectly fine. such a major cliffhanger is perfect for such a dramatic and emotionally-packed story.

great, great job. thank you. for writing this piece.
hummelchen chapter 8 . 2/20/2011
Well I have to say this was the first "Rape"-Fic I didn't give up in the middle of it. I think this was a fantastic story. From the first sentence up to the opening ending. The way how Blair reacted was so very Blair'ish. I really had the feeling I was reading a story about Gossip Girl with the characters we know not just a story with characters who just accidentally have the same first name. I had tears in my eyes several times and was impressed how well you handeled this difficult topic!

In the meantime I've read some other fics from you and have decided I like your writing style and the way you drawn the chracters very much as well as I think you write some hot smut, so I stick with you for a while and will read myself through all your GG stuff;-)

Thank you for being so active in this fandom because I'm a little frustraded with the show by now and need some good Chair interactions
whenSHIPhitstheFAN chapter 8 . 8/21/2010
I'm gonna be frank, I'm kinda disappointed at how the story ended. I would've had the bastard killed. Yeah, I said it! I mean, I know she took the moral way of doing shit but... well, I guess I'm just not that good of a person!

If this was real life, he probably would've gotten off. Illegal gathering AND tampering of evidence. Blair denied the rape initally. PLUS, they all would've gotten in trouble for stalking, assult and battery, tapering evidence, lying to police, and a ton of other shit. Rich kid's parents would've gotten him a high priced lawyer. Vs a public defender appointed on the state's behalf. That, coupled with a little bit of a bribe here and there. Yep, he would've definitely gotten off!

Shit, the cops would've resented them because of all the hastle the kids put them through that even the police officers would have put them all through hell! Which I know may sound weird but it's true. I've seen it happen first hand and I know from experience that he probably would've gotten off. Sad, but true.

Sometimes better (and easier!) to take care of your own shit without worrying about the rules so damn much.

Still, the story itself was absolutely fantastic.
fouzia269 chapter 8 . 8/19/2010
so good this story!
fouzia269 chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
Great story
smartin555 chapter 8 . 1/22/2010
I just read this whole thing and it was great! (not like the rape part but your writing) I am very impressed how you wrote a story about something that many people have trouble dealing with. Your writing and story telling abilites are great too! I'm about to go read another one of your storys!
Gen chapter 8 . 10/28/2009
Wow, this was amazing. It was greatly written, made me have tears in my eyes numerous times, just thinking about what Blair would be going for. Sometimes I think they should've added a Blair rape into the show, just because it would fit so well..

Great job. xoxo
Guest chapter 8 . 6/26/2009
First of all, amazing story. It was a great plot and u handled the Blair being raped scenario better than most of he stories I've encountered. Second of all, I really loved this chapter and I thought the ending was incredible. The part at the party had me laughing and shaking my head at how awful chuck and serena were in their attemt to 'catch a predator'. It really got me that this guy was assualted with a car door, hit over the head with a bottle, was essentially mugged (had his wallet stolen), was kicked repeatedly, and moments later was dragged into a strange car and driven away without anyone saying anything.
ry123red chapter 8 . 3/13/2009
WTF? You cant end the story there! Thats so cruel! lol Please tell me ur making an epilogue! This story is really good! Im so glad Blair called though! Phew! I seriously freaked when u ended it though. PLZ PLZ PLZ Write a sequel or epilogue or something!
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